Brightcove Insights For

Digital Marketers

Holiday Shopping 2014: Goodbye Storefront, Hello Website

Holiday Shopping 2014: Goodbye Storefront, Hello Website

If you’ve ventured to a mall within the last week there’s a high probability you were greeted by colorful lights and the smell of spruce. Yes, the holiday season is already here. While some try to hold off until the Thanksgiving turkey has cleared the table, more and more shoppers want to get a head start.

Infographic Turned Video!

Infographic Turned Video!

  We've converted our hugely popular Video Moves Business infographic into a video! Watch it below to learn why video is the best tool to drive awareness and conversion.   brightcove.createExperiences();

Introducing: The Video Marketing Academy

Introducing: The Video Marketing Academy

We are excited to announce the launch of the Video Marketing Academy: a video-based, free resource for maximizing the impact of your video strategy! Video can be an incredibly powerful marketing tool, but knowing how to make the most of your video strategy can be a challenge.