The One-Two Punch: Captivate and Convert Leads with Video Portals

The One-Two Punch: Captivate and Convert Leads with Video Portals

So, you’ve been thinking about ways to get better results with content marketing? (Well, you should be!) Lately, we’ve been talking about some awesome research showing how video brings serious firepower when it comes to content marketing and moving business.

To move business, you need a video experience that is engaging enough to keep your audience’s attention and compelling enough to convert to actual results. Brightcove makes it easy to create engaging video experiences that double as a conversion powerhouse! It all revolves around the one-two punch of Video Portals and Conversion Tools!

Video Portals: Video portals are a proven way to increase engagement and the conversion rates of your video marketing. Just take ExactTarget as an example: with an effective video portal strategy, ExactTarget doubled time on site, reduced their bounce rate by 12% and saw a significant improvement in conversion rates. If you want to see more about this, take a look at the case study here.

Conversion Tools: You have your audience where you want them: on your portal, consuming your content and engaging with your brand. Now you want to ask your audience for some information -- you want to convert them so you can follow up to build brand or generate some pipeline.

Brightcove makes it incredibly easy to add lead capture forms to your video portals with the Video Marketing Suite. You can tailor the message, information to collect and exactly when a viewer is presented with the form. The goal is simple: easily create and customize lead forms to ask for relevant information at the best possible time.

To see it in action, take a look at our latest video portals from CM World and our newly launched Video Marketing Academy. Both of these portals are built from the ground up using the Brightcove Video Marketing Suite and our very own lead capture forms…a pretty good one-two punch combination!