Brightcove Insights For

Publishers & Broadcasters

NAB 2017:  No rolling the dice with the themes at the show this year

NAB 2017: No rolling the dice with the themes at the show this year

The annual National Association of Broadcasters show is always a spectacle on many levels.  After all, it is held in Las Vegas - home of glitz, glamour and over-the-top (pun intended) everything. The show itself incorporates these themes - bright lights, attention grabbing demos, celebrity visits to booths on the show floor.

Brightcove Player 6 Update

Brightcove Player 6 Update

Brightcove Player 6 is now available for testing. This article describes some of the benefits of this new version and how you can try it. Brightcove Player 6 is a major step forward to make player development and customization easier.

The New Brightcove Live: Powerful Tools for Live Events and 24/7 Channels

The New Brightcove Live: Powerful Tools for Live Events and 24/7 Channels

"Live streaming is hard." In my decade working on live streaming projects, I've heard this phrase more times than I can remember. The statement isn't entirely wrong - live streaming at scale is inherently complicated, requiring a careful orchestration of hardware, encoding services, and distribution platforms, with a narrow (and...

SPH Boosts Consumer Engagement by 50% with Interactive Video

SPH Boosts Consumer Engagement by 50% with Interactive Video

How do some advertisers manage to break through and make personal connections with their audiences in today's multi-tasking digital environment? Both brands and publishers are exploring the world of interactive technology to help master this challenge and deliver more effective video campaigns.