Zencoder's Posts

Khan Academy and Support for Non-Profits

Online video impacts our day-to-day lives in many ways, from how we are entertained, to how we communicate and get the news. Perhaps the most exciting potential for positive impact is in education. Today we're thrilled to announce that we are providing encoding services to Khan Academy, for video that's destined for its new iPad application.

Customer Q&A with Screenlight

Technology is changing the way that we communicate and collaborate on a number of things, not the least of which is video creation and production.  Today we're highlighting Zencoder customer Screenlight. Here are some words from Screenlight founder Chris Potter on the technology behind their service. Want to be featured in a blog post?  Hit us up at info@zencoder.com and let us know what you’re up to What do you do at Screenlight? Screenlight offers a private video sharing and collaboration platform that makes it easy for video producers & editors to securely review videos with clients, get their feedback, and get video projects approved. The service solves communication and platform compatibility issues that people experience when using DVDs, email, FTP, YouTube, and custom solutions to review and approve videos.