Grant Goodman's Posts

Post to MySpace: A Custom BEML Component

Post to MySpace: A Custom BEML Component

A new article in the Developer Center by Ashley Streb shows you how to create a custom player component that adds a "Post to MySpace" button to a Brightcove player. Read all about it. You can also read this previous article about connecting your Brightcove videos with social media sites.

Sample Code: Persistent Audio Volume Settings

Sample Code: Persistent Audio Volume Settings

A new article in the Brightcove Developer Center by Jesse Streb demonstrates a custom SWF component that a tracks when a user has changed the audio volume setting in a player and stores that volume setting in a Flash shared object, otherwise known as as Flash cookie.

New Article: Making a Video Link to the Current Page

New Article: Making a Video Link to the Current Page

By default, a player's "Get Link" button gives a link to the player, using a Brightcove server URL. Brandon Aaskov writes about how to use the setLink() function of the Player API's Social Module to give a link to the page that contains the player instead. Read all about it.

Sample: Updating Videos with the Echove PHP SDK

Sample: Updating Videos with the Echove PHP SDK

Matt Congrove and Brian Franklin have continued to develop Echove, the PHP SDK for the Brightcove Media API. Matt's written a sample that shows you how easy it is to use Echove with the Media API find and update methods to modify your videos' metadata. Read more...

Sample Code: Hit Counter Widget

Sample Code: Hit Counter Widget

Alex Kieft, from DigiNovations, created a custom component and custom player template for a player that shows the number of times the currently-playing video has been viewed. The component code has been written as the document class for a Flash CS4 or Flex 3 ActionScript project, but it could easily be adapted to work in other circumstances.