Grant Goodman's Posts

Subscribe to our new Product Updates page

Subscribe to our new Product Updates page

We've updated our Product Updates page. That's the page where you can see all the latest new and enhanced features in Brightcove Video Cloud, as well as an historical list of all our features, with links to help topics that explain how to use them.

Smart players: Now with playlist support!

Smart players: Now with playlist support!

We've enhanced the Brightcove Smart Player feature to now support players that include a playlist. Smart Players enable you to automatically deliver your video in Flash or HTML5, depending on your viewer's device capabilities.

Shorter URLs for Player Links

Shorter URLs for Player Links

The full link to a Brightcove player can be quite long. Some applications, like Twitter and other social media platforms, can't handle very long URLs. To address this constraint, we've introduced shortened URLs for player links.

Ad Logic for Long-Form Content

Ad Logic for Long-Form Content

A new article in the Brightcove Developer Center, written by Brandon Aaskov of Brightcove's Professional Services group, presents a player plug-in you can use to control ad logic for long-form video. With ad-supported long-form video, you often want to use mid-roll ad requests.

Preparing video for export with Final Cut Pro

Preparing video for export with Final Cut Pro

We've got a new article on the Support site, Exporting a High Quality Source File Using Final Cut Pro, that covers our recommended best practices for using Apple's Final Cut Pro to create high quality source files for the video you upload into your Brightcove account.