Cameron Church's Posts

Get Ready to Ring the Bell

Get Ready to Ring the Bell

So I just had word from our friends at the IAB UK that tomorrow's event is almost sold out!   That's a capacity of 90 people coming to get ring side seats for the showdown between the Media Buyer and Media Seller. Tomorrow we'll be live streaming the event from this blog so come back at 3pm BST (British Summer Time) for ki...

The gloves are coming off at the Great Debate

The gloves are coming off at the Great Debate

In the red corner, weighing in at 98.2KG, 56 wins, 5 loses and 37 knockouts, wearing the Buyer shorts: Oliver "Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee" Newton! In the blue corner, weighing in at 100.2KG, 32 wins, 4 loses and 27 knockours, wearing the Sellers shorts: Tim "Smokin' Joe" Hussain! The IAB UK, in associati...

Randicoot - PPV Series Guest Post 3

Randicoot - PPV Series Guest Post 3

In the last of our series on PPV, Nigel Regan, CEO of Randicoot, has an animated and colour look at one of the key challenges facing Pay Per View strategies: that of earning and honouring a consumer's trust.   You can find out more about Randicoot here: Reward, reward, reward! Last wee...

MPP Global - PPV Series Guest Post 2

MPP Global - PPV Series Guest Post 2

In the second post of our 3 part series, MPP Global's Scott O'Neill takes a look at the landscape from an established providers perspective.   Especially looking at how a major broadcaster and Brightcove customer is currently leveraging PPV technology in their monetisation strategy.  You can find out more about MPP Glo...

Invideous - PPV Series Guest Post 1

Invideous - PPV Series Guest Post 1

As the first contributor to this series on PPV, Invideous has the honour of being the first partner to finished their integration with Brightcove.  Also as a funded startup they offer a unique and grass roots look on this emerging and lucrative market.   Jack Thorogood, CEO, gives his thoughts on how adoption of this new model doesn'...

Pay Per View - bringing more money to your pocket?

Pay Per View - bringing more money to your pocket?

Brightcove publishers have long looked, rather successfully, to make a profitable business with online video.   The most typical model, and until recently the only really practical one, is the ad supported model where content is supplied free to access to anyone while adverts  are inserted either in a linear break model or in a nonli...

We've Moved! (London offices that is...)

We've Moved! (London offices that is...)

Great times here in Brightcove UK - we've moved offices!   For those that visit us please update your contact listing you have for us to our new address (also our landline numbers have changed so please email your direct contacts for the most up to date listing): 41-44 Great Queen Street London WC2B 5AD Main : 0207 148 6450...