3 Tips to Ensure a Successful Live Event

3 Tips to Ensure a Successful Live Event

Going live can sometimes seem nerve-wracking, but if you cross all your T’s and dot your I’s, live streaming can have a big impact on companies. In fact, according to Zoom Info Live video is more appealing to brand audiences, 80% would rather watch live video from a brand than read a blog, and 82%  prefer live video from a brand to social posts. To help ease nerves, here are three tips from the experts to enable you to have the most successful live stream:

Know your variables. 

When live streaming there is no second take, so it is important to understand your variables before starting to stream.

  • Ensure you have a stable network: We recommend a hard line into the streaming laptop.
  • Understand background noise:  Minimal background noise produces better quality audio. 
  • Secure decent lighting: This means no shadows on your face or dimly light streams,  sometimes it’s as easy as shifting towards a window for natural light. 

Test everything.

Technical testing is very important. We recommend doing multiple tests of the technology to ensure there are no issues. Ideally, we do an initial test of the technology to make sure it works the way you envision it working, followed by testing the day before and finally a final test the day of the event to confirm that everything is still working as planned. 

Have a backup plan.

Even if you test right up to the event start, there is always a slight chance something can hiccup, having a backup plan is vital. 

  • Live redundancy will allow you to have automatic failover for uninterrupted reliable playback. This means that you can combine two or more live jobs into a single stream with automatic failover, if stream one goes down, stream two is there to pick it up immediately, no need to reconfigure. 
  • You never know if something will happen to your internet connection and when those times come a backup connection can be a life saver. Having a backup Mifi device is always a good tool to have in your back pocket, literally. A cellular internet hotspot that’s easily accessible from anywhere. 

At a time where in-person events are turning virtual, Live streaming is the new norm. I hope these tips help you feel more comfortable with running a live event. 

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