Interactivity 101

How to incorporate interactivity into your video strategy

Interactivity 101

Interactive video has always been a hot tech topic. Wondering what all the hype is about? When you boil it down, interactivity gives viewers the ultimate control over the content they’re watching—empowering you to transform how you connect with your audience. Here’s an overview of interactive video capabilities, and some best practices for incorporating this technology into your organization.

What are the benefits of interactivity?

From interactive quizzes to shoppable videos, interactivity enables organizations to create increasingly engaging content for a variety of audiences and mediums. By leveraging polling, branching, and chaptering, you can let your audience choose their own adventure—providing a personalized journey that will keep them engaged from the start.

When it comes to corporate communications, you can create a more dynamic experience by adding slide syncs and quizzes to ensure team members are retaining the content. Within the ecommerce space, you can convert viewers at warp speed by incorporating add-to-cart functionality and powerful calls-to-action.

Interactive video can also be a powerful way to ask your prospects questions that contribute to lead scoring or help with persona identification. And, if your organization offers a full suite of products, you can create interactive product overview videos to help viewers find and select the product that best fits their specific needs.

If you’re running an ABM campaign, you can also incorporate interactivity to add a level of dynamic personalization to your videos. For instance, you can use this technology to call out your target’s name, account name, or industry. Doing so can make it seem like your team created this content specifically for this target account.

What are some interactivity best practices?

When launching an interactive video campaign, be sure to focus on relevance. Tailoring your content to where your prospect or customer is in their buying journey is crucial to your success. After all, your audience has a wide array of content options available to them—and they’ll choose to consume the assets that best meet their specific interests and needs.

If your content doesn’t resonate well with your audience, they’ll abandon it instantly. Thankfully, interactive video empowers you to create hyper-relevant, personalized content that makes it even easier for you to follow up with more relevant material if, for example, a prospect answers a trigger question.

Another best practice is to consider the value exchange. All of the interactive videos you create should simultaneously benefit the viewer (by giving them with valuable insights) and your organization (through providing you with important viewer data). By leveraging this technology to its fullest, you should be able to convert more leads—and gather better data about your customers’ needs with every conversion. Doing so will empower you to provide more targeted nurture content and arm your sales team with specialized information that can guide their conversations with prospects.

Want to discover which interactive tools align best with your video strategy? Check out our quiz: What’s your interactivity style?

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