Top 5 Things You Need to Do with Video in 2018

Some people are saying that 2017 was the “year of video marketing.” We agree! It shouldn’t be a surprise when we regularly see statistics like “video viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in a text." Video  is becoming more than a trend, it is a must-have, and having the right video strategy determines the results you’ll get.

We think 2018 will be even bigger for video, so we’ve pulled together the top five things you absolutely need to do with video during the year ahead.

  1. Amplify your brand story with video

  2. Create video experiences that work

  3. Make smarter decisions based on video data

  4. Expand reach with social video

  5. Engage your employees like never before

So let’s get started!

1. Amplify your brand story with video

As marketers, we are continuously working to enhance our company’s brand and message. What better way to do that then through video? Whether it’s product overviews, case studies, or telling your business story; having a solid video strategy is one of the best ways to convey your message.

Brightcove is here to make sure you can quickly and easily publish your video in compelling ways. In 2017 we made a number of updates to support the way you want to deliver your videos to the right audiences. Whether it is 360 degree video, keeping up with Apple’s OS system updates, or adding the flexibility to choose your video quality, our product engineers continue to build the features to keep you at the forefront of video technology trends.

2. Create video experiences that work

Nowadays, creating a video and publishing it to a webpage is not enough. Consumers want tailored experiences that build a connection with the content of the video. Interactive and personalized video are becoming a requirement to ensure you differentiate your message and leave a memorable impression.

Our new Gallery In-Page Experiences allow anyone to create video experiences that take their video to the next level. Choose from a variety of customizable video layouts that dynamically change before, during, and after video play. Then add interactivity inside and outside of the video player that work great on desktop and mobile.

3. Don’t just guess: make informed video decisions based on data

Video provides deep insight into the behavior of your audience. With video, you can see exactly what part of a video each viewer watched and understand how interested they are in your message. You can analyze the video data from many different angles and even pass it to other systems (Marketing Automation Platforms, Customer Relationship Management systems, etc.)  in your marketing mix to get a comprehensive view of each video’s ROI.

The team made a number of data-specific feature enhancements in 2017. The new Audience Profiles feature allows you to capture new leads and their viewing habits without the need of a marketing automation platform.  This turns your video marketing platform into a lead generation machine. Also, our integration with Single Sign On (SSO) allows you to integrate with your corporate SSO platform to track how each employee is engaging with your internal videos.  

4. Expand your reach with social video

Optimizing your social video strategy is a must for 2018. Social video is a great way to build your brand and broaden your reach. Distributing videos through social channels puts you front and center with huge audiences gathering to consume video.

2017 was a great year for Brightcove Social, our social video publishing tool. We tripled the number of customers that are using Social, and made a number of feature additions and improvements based on some great feedback we received from our customers. We added the ability to customize your video thumbnails, create video clips for separate channel guidelines, enhanced auto-sync rules, destination management, analytics reports, and authentication processes. Social video is growing rapidly, and we look forward to an exciting 2018.

5. Engage your employees like never before

Just like how in the marketing world video is used to engage external-facing audiences, companies are now leveraging video to engage their internal teams. Sales enablement, customer support, human resources, corporate communications, training, or other functions are using video to help drive internal alignment and get better business results.

In 2017, Brightcove launched Enterprise Video Suite to deliver the benefits of online video to internal audiences. With Enterprise Video Suite, corporate communications, human resources, training, and partner enablement groups can build secure internal video experiences to drive employee alignment, engagement, and education. You have everything you need to create interactive video experiences, livestream to your employees, track internal engagement, and, most importantly, ensure total security of your video content.

Supercharge your video in 2018

Video truly became a core part of everyday life in 2017. Video is changing the way companies communicate with their customers and their employees. Make sure you capitalize on the advances of last year to supercharge your marketing and engage your coworkers in 2018.