Ask Brightcove: 3 Essential Steps for Starting Your B2B Video Project

Creating your first marketing video or video series can be a daunting process no matter what your level of marketing and communications expertise. I’ve sat in many a conference session packed with marketers keen on learning the best tools for the job. They’ll ask creative agencies and YouTube celebs alike: “What mic do you use?” “How do you edit your videos?” But the issue is that you can buy all the “right” equipment and still produce videos that don’t get results. Don’t get overwhelmed with purchasing gear or software, focus on the key fundamentals of content creation first.

Let’s take a step back from the technology and set the right foundations for successful business videos. Regardless of who you’re filming, or what equipment you are filming with, take a moment to watch the video above and learn three quick tips to you get started with any video project.

Additional Resource: 5 Types of Video For Building Superior Brand Presence
Learn best practices for creating thought leadership, instructional/how-to, product demonstration, case study, and company culture videos.

1. How to Write a Great Video Script

Write Conversationally. After all, you’re speaking to an audience of people presumably, yes? Connecting with audiences means being approachable. Even if you are creating videos for a multi-billion dollar corporation, staunchness is not going to work. To soften your approach, read the script aloud before finalizing a version. Words should flow smoothly and be jargon-free. Simple is always best, but as with any piece of written content, variance in your script keeps what you’re saying interesting. Meaning, don’t confuse simplicity with a script of short sentences, only.

Writer Gary Provost illustrates how writing affects our ability to tune in and engage.

Prefer to go without a script? Great! Depending on what feels most comfortable for you or your on-camera talent, and their level of subject matter expertise, a list of bulleted points in plain view might work better. Going without a teleprompter, when possible, is best for creating authenticity, which we’ll discuss in more depth below. 

2. How to Appear Authentic on Camera

One way to look like you’re reading a script? Dead-eying the camera with no emotion. You’ve written a great script, now read the words with feeling! What do the words mean? Convey this meaning. Change your expression to convey the weight of these words, titling your head, and smiling at your audience. This will help you create better business videos. Moving your hands can add emphasis to important points or allows you to use visual cues to elaborate on the story you’re telling. These are all important tips to keep in mind when trying to not look like you’re reading a script and allow you to connect person-to-person. Are you thinking or contemplating the topic? It’s okay to look off screen, as that’s what we would do in real life!

Video Interview with Influencers

Rule of thirds example, Video Marketing Mentors: Video for Marketers

Video Content Strategy

Rule of thirds example, Tips for Defining Your Video Marketing Strategy

The rest of your body also plays a part in how information is conveyed-- You may choose to square up to your audience, standing directly in front of the camera, or perhaps you’ll align yourself with the rule of thirds, leaving room next to you for additional visuals to be added in, post-production. Alternatively, if you’re shooting an interview, you’ll want to do everything you can to create a welcoming environment for your subject. Laugh. Smile. Be a true host.


Shooting straight-on example, Ask Brightcove: How Do I Get Started with Video Marketing?

Most importantly, practice. Prepping to be on-camera ensures that you’ll actually feel ready to go in front of the camera!

3. How to Align Video Goals with a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your goal for your videos should never be just a view count. Depending on the content of your video and where you choose to distribute it, certain marketing lifecycle goals will become abundantly clear.

As with all marketing assets, you’ll want to direct your video viewer to their next move, so provide a video call-to-action. Persuasive content and successful video marketing creative stoke curiosity, ending with a question or plan for the viewer. If you’ve introduced this topic for further consideration, can you answer the (inevitable) next question? If you have a sophisticated content marketing program, chances are, yes. Yes, you can. Refer your audiences to view additional videos or chapters as well as blogs. All of these content suggestions continue to drive engagement with your brand.

The desired action is going to differ significantly depending on which life cycle stage the video addresses. Moving into conversion, the call-to-action may be much more direct and results-focused because you want to shift the viewer into the next stage of the customer lifecycle. Take a look below at some of the most common types of business video and convincing CTAs for each, as we move through the customer journey.

Converting Prospects Through a Video Journey,
with Suggested CTAs

Video Call-to-Action Examples
The human connection is vital. This is where video thrives, and all of the steps we outlined above show how your humanity, personality, verve play a massive role in the video content you create. We’re creating a conversation through video. In many ways we can take the above tips and align them with the important conversations we have at networking events.

  1. Put emphasis and meaning behind your words
  2. Make eye contact, smile, use your hands to explain things (or show others smiling and enjoying themselves)
  3. Give your conversation partner a take-away, something to remember you by-- demonstrating the value of the exchange

Additional Resources

How to Craft a Video Awareness Campaign that Turns Heads
How to: Content Creation and Promotion for a Video Engagement Campaign
8 Videos, 8 Channels. Where and How to Convert with Video
3 Key Questions for Better Video Conversations with Customers
Win Brand Fans: How to Launch a Customer Advocacy Campaign with Video

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