How Internal Video Communications Connect Enterprises

How Internal Video Communications Connect Enterprises

Video is enormously effective for internal company communications — an ideal way to distribute timely messages throughout an organization in seconds Above all, as an internal communications tool, video has proven critical for improving employee engagement. In fact, 54 percent of communications professionals in human resources have said their employees expect video communications from their organization. Companies able to increase engagement realize:

The Benefits of Using Video for Employee Engagement

  1. Higher productivity and profitability

  2. Lower turnover and absenteeism

  3. Better relationships and enhanced team building

Why Video is a Superior Communication Tool for Enterprises

Video speaks most naturally to the way we prefer to communicate and learn — using sound, sights, and motion. Video catches a greater part of mind-share and attention, in fact, employees are 75 percent more likely to watch a video than to read emails, documents, or web articles. Video helps employees feel more connected and positive, inspiring them to take the desired action.

What are some other advantages of video in internal communications?

Speed of delivery: video can communicate in seconds and minutes what might take numerous written paragraphs (or multiple pages!) to explain.

Time savings: video gets everyone on the same page while eliminating costly in-person meetings or a long and laborious email thread.

Ease-of-access: video is accessible from a variety of devices — from desktop to mobile — and available for repeat plays. 35 percent of employees receiving video communications stream these from their mobile devices.

Effective Video Types for Internal Communications

Use video to share vital messages, establish a personal connection, and create consistency across offices and employees. Consider creating the following types of video for your company communications:

Company updates: an interview-based video can be the ideal way to avoid confusion by creating an easy-to-understand breakdown of changes or new initiatives. These videos inform employees of changes in direction, structure, or strategy, while explaining decisions. Not to mention, you may pre-emptively answer questions that would follow!

Event briefs: event videos create positive relations with employees and can help boost morale. Employee events like awards, team outings, and annual parties are a great way to engage employees as a community, while video recaps let them relive a fun and memorable day.

Executive messages: create a connection between upper management and the workforce with short video interviews featuring the CEO or other executives. Videos from the company’s leadership increase morale, encourage greater corporate loyalty, and build a feeling of openness. Consider having leadership comment on current developments, performance updates, team accomplishments, events news, emerging policies, or marketplace changes.

Looking for a way to communicate with employees an engaging, thought-provoking way? The benefits of an internal video program are clear. Internal video communications save time and resources while lifting total comprehension and creating a more transparent work environment. If you’re ready to get started, start with this question - Could this be a video? Every memo that crosses your desk, every email from leadership, or internal newsletter - Could this be a video? After you’ve found your inspiration, focus on one kind of messaging for video creation. Bring in your video team and plot upcoming content into a calendar, securing speakers and resources. Look at that, you’re already on your way to better employee engagement and satisfaction!

Create Better Internal Communications