How to be a Profitable [Video] Publisher: Some Advice and an Invitation from Operative

How to be a Profitable [Video] Publisher: Some Advice and an Invitation from Operative

Operative is a name well known to a lot of Brightcove customers for the company’s leadership in helping them manage their advertising businesses. With the flood of new opportunities created by the expansion in video, mobile, programmatic, data, and native ad products the company reports that the average number of line items in an insertion order grew 100% between 2013 and 2014! The complexity is challenging publishers’ profitability and taxing their ad ops teams.

In this video we recently shot, Operative CEO, Lorne Brown, gives kudos to the evolution of the VideoNuze summit in keeping up with the constantly evolving ecosystem and acknowledges the challenge Operative sees firsthand in the publisher’s quest to sell, simply, “one show, across screens, one CPM.”

The company released a whitepaper called the Profitable Publisher about how companies can address the challenges on hand and is taking the accompanying “Profitable Publisher Summer Series” on tour to Atlanta and Chicago. The first stop, which I joined in NYC, was heavily focused on video and I highly recommend it to ad ops and ad strategy leaders in those markets. Here’s an example of the type of topic they cover - how a video publisher is extracting maximum yield from the demand curve for its inventory across platforms using the range of ad products available.

The Atlanta tour is next Tuesday (7/14) and Chicago is in August. You can request invitations here.