A Taste of VideoNuze's Video Ad Summit

Last week, Will Richmond convened online video leaders from publishers, broadcasters, brands, agencies, and technology providers for his 5th annual Video Ad Summit. We were happy to sponsor and bring a number of team members and customers to hear the challenges, debates, successes, and predictions from the video ad world (did I mention challenges?).

Scott Ferber, CEO of Videology, kicked off the summit with an an investigation into how spending in online video is impacting TV budgets. Hear him explain his approach above and check out the data and slides he shared on Videonuze.com. Additionally, below is a snapshot of a few themes that dominated the day.

1. Experimentation. With the shift in consumption habits, content owners are experimenting with new ways of delivering and monetizing their content and aren’t waiting for every element of the ecosystem (like measurement) to be fully baked. Keynotes from the agency side (Universal McCann) and the publisher side (Hearst) both noted the tendency to overestimate the risk of trying something new and underestimate the risk of doing nothing.

2. Data is incredibly important, but content owners and brands aren’t able to utilize it across screens in a standardized way and so are defaulting to the lowest common denominator of data that can scale.

3. Viewability ensures that viewers have the opportunity to see brands’ ads, but it only serves as a proxy. The real need is a way to measure attention or engagement.

4. Programmatic has traction on the buy side (forecasted to be 40% of total digital video ad spend next year according to eMarketer), but still needs to prove some of its touted benefits (e.g., efficiency), at least in the eyes of the sell side.

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