How Best in Class Companies Drive Conversion Using Video

How Best in Class Companies Drive Conversion Using Video

It's safe to say that the majority of marketers today understand why they should be thinking about content marketing – but many still struggle with how they should be executing it. Creating content that engages your customers at the right time with the right offer is a challenge. Great content marketing doesn't just include the written word; video is also a rich and meaningful part of this strategy.

There are a lot of brands doing amazing things with video as part of their content marketing strategy to increase engagement with their customers and drive conversions. Once such company is McKesson. McKesson is currently using video as part of their customer and employee education strategy. Video is the backbone to their 'Better Health 2020' campaign that has a goal of empowering their customers to address their complex healthcare IT needs. The campaign gives their customers multiple ways to engage with McKesson and contains a number of product videos and customer testimonials.

McKesson is just one example of a brand utilizing video as part of their content marketing strategy to increase engagement and drive conversions. This week, hundreds of marketing executives are convening in Boston for the Frost & Sullivan Marketing World Conference, where Brightcove's Courtney Pierce will be sitting down with Andy Burtis, Senior Vice President of Marketing & Communications from McKesson for a fireside chat on the topic of "How Best in Class Companies Drive Conversion Using Video."

This is considered one of the best interactive and collaborative conferences for demand generation, branding and research focused marketers. Frost & Sullivan puts the focus on making sure that every session provides an action plan so that marketers leave the conference with a plan to improve their marketing strategy.

We're looking forward to connecting with many of our customers onsite to discuss what aspects of their video content marketing strategy are working for them.