You may have heard that there are changes to autoplay coming on Apple Safari and Google Chrome and are interested to know more.
You may have heard that there are changes to autoplay coming on Apple Safari and Google Chrome and are interested to know more.
Coming up next week is Brightcove’s 8th Hackweek. At Hackweek, all engineers take breaks from their regular sprint to work on something new and different.
Note: Middleware is being introduced in Video.js 6.0 / Brightcove Player 6.0 and are only supported from that version forward. Middleware is one of the cool new features that is coming to Video.js in version 6.0 With middleware, you are now able to interact with and change how the player and the tech talk to each other.
How it works In video.js 5.0, we added support for truly fluid layouts with video.js. You can see an example of it on the video.js website. It is done by using intrinsic ratios.