Streaming Outta Fenway: Music for a Cause

The Dropkick Murphys are gearing up to stream a live concert to fans around the globe

The bases are loaded at Boston’s historic Fenway Park, but this time the field isn’t filled with major league players. For the first time, in what seems like a millenia, the park will re-open its gates to a whole new kind of ball game, one that will kick off summer and rock music fans across the globe. 

On Friday, May 29, 6pm EST, one of Boston’s all time favorite bands, the Dropkick Murphys, will be streaming a live benefit concert straight from the field of Fenway park to audiences everywhere.

Fun Fact: This will be the first time in Fenway history that a band has played right on the baseball diamond! A stage that certainly won't disappoint.

 Music for the Cause:    While fans around the world can tune in and enjoy this historical performance for free, the band hopes to turn this virtual experience into something bigger than just entertainment. The Dropkick Murphy’s, in collaboration with their guest performer Bruce Springsteen, will be raising funds to help support organizations that are on the front-lines of the global pandemic such as the Boston Resiliency Fund, Habitat For Humanity Greater Boston, and Feeding America.    Not only are they helping to keep the spirits high for typical summer concert goers (now stuck at home), they’re also helping to bring financial and supportive aid to those who need it most.    Taking the park and the world by storm: The event anticipates a global audience of over 10 million virtual viewers who will tune in from 5 different channels on the band's Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and their own website   What’s the point of hitting a home-run as big as this one if no one can see it? To make sure they’re able to rock fans everywhere on any device, the band will be partnering with Brightcove to provide a high-quality, reliable streaming experience for their fans. I don’t know about you, but I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to sing along to my favorite songs in real-time, without missing a beat.     And the Dropkick Murphys aren’t the only ones looking to create a reliable engaging experience for their virtual audiences. As companies all around the world are having to make the shift toward more virtual solutions, innovative business leaders look toward video as the most effective way to reach viewers everywhere. So no matter the type of content, businesses can still rock the socks off their audiences with the power of video.

The Line up: The inner field at Fenway Park, geared up for a night of epic entertainment

There will also be a special guest performer, “the Boss” himself, Bruce Springsteen, who plans to stream virtually to the park, right on the big screen, making this a double stream for a home-run kind of experience.  

Music for the Cause:  While fans around the world can tune in and enjoy this historical performance for free, the band hopes to turn this virtual experience into something bigger than just entertainment. The Dropkick Murphys, in collaboration with their guest performer Bruce Springsteen, will be raising funds to help support organizations that are on the front-lines of the global pandemic such as the Boston Resiliency Fund, Habitat For Humanity Greater Boston, and Feeding America

Not only are they helping to keep the spirits high for typical summer concert goers (now stuck at home), they’re also helping to bring financial and supportive aid to those who need it most. 

Taking the park and the world by storm: The event anticipates a global audience of over 10 million virtual viewers who will tune in from 5 different channels on the band's Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and

What’s the point of hitting a home-run as big as this one if no one can see it? To make sure they’re able to rock fans everywhere on any device, the band will be partnering with Brightcove to provide a high-quality, reliable streaming experience for their fans. I don’t know about you, but I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to sing along to my favorite songs in real-time, without missing a beat.   

And the Dropkick Murphys aren’t the only ones looking to create a reliable engaging experience for their audiences. As companies all around the world are having to make the shift toward more virtual solutions, innovative business leaders look toward video as the most effective way to reach viewers everywhere. So no matter the type of content, businesses can still rock the socks off their audiences with the power of video. 

Learn how the DropKick Murphys took this show live with Ken Casey on PLAY TV