Maximize your ROI: New Video Revenue Guide for Publishers

Maximize your ROI: New Video Revenue Guide for Publishers

In today’s media landscape, consumers are becoming more accustomed to accessing news content online for free. And publishers have responded by serving ads as a way to earn revenue. But there is a downside to this type of monetization strategy: ad fatigue. According to recent research, 47 percent of internet users around the world use an ad blocker, making it increasingly difficult to achieve a high ad viewability rate.

As such, it’s critical for publishers to develop a monetization strategy that empowers them to combat ad fatigue, while also maximizing their advertising revenue and retaining a desirable roster of advertiser clients—who have a vast range of media outlets to choose from. Here’s where video advertising comes in. Whether you start with simple pre-roll ads or get a little more creative with options like sponsored content, video advertising offers a variety of revenue opportunities through which you can deliver a non-intrusive ad experience and stand out from your competitors.

Introducing Brightcove’s Video Revenue Guide for Publishers 

Interested in learning more about the different monetization options you should explore? You’re in luck: We just released our Video Revenue Guide for Publishers, which provides an overview of  15 different revenue streams. These strategies are broken down into five main categories:

  • Programmatic advertising

  • Sponsored user experiences

  • Interactive videos

  • Sponsored content

  • Sponsored content amplification

This quick guide is a useful resource for any publishers who want to optimize their video advertising portfolio and any advertisers who want to get creative with their brand outreach.

Interested in learning more about your monetization options? Download the Video Revenue Guide for Publishers.

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