PLAY 2019 Daily Recap: A full day of targeted interactive sessions

Highlights from Day 1

PLAY 2019 Daily Recap: A full day of targeted interactive sessions

PLAY 2019 is officially underway! For the first time ever, we started off the event with a full day of hands-on workshops. Today’s agenda included a series of targeted sessions—covering everything from establishing your OTT service model to overcoming today’s developer challenges. Here are a few highlights from these thought-provoking workshops.

Developing your OTT service model

During the three-part session, Designing the Right OTT Model From A to Z, industry experts from Brightcove, Cleeng, and Altman Vilandrie & Company shared practical advice on how to design and evolve your OTT service model.

In part one, the team provided data-driven insights into how to offer content that connects with your target audience. Jonathan Hurd and Matthew Rivet of Altman Vilandrie & Company explained how their team analyzes demographics, key OTT behaviors, and programming preferences for each consumer segment. To break it down, they use their detailed survey data and simulators to develop content acquisition strategies, quantifying the impact on consumer adoption.

Next, the team hosted an interactive session on UX best practices, and gave a monetization and measurement model master class—discussing everything from how to maximize revenue based on your platform and service model to how to design a measurement model that won't leave you with analysis paralysis.

Our first Tech-a-Thon

Today we also hosted our inaugural PLAY Tech-a-Thon, a full-day developer workshop on utilizing the latest API and product technologies. Driven by a customer desire for more technical content, the team put together a hands-on program in which they introduced various Brightcove APIs, provided best practices on how to use these APIs, and offered insights into how to customize the Brightcove Player.

During the Tech-a-Thon, which was sponsored by Fastlyattendees broke into teams of two to three people and chose the specific developer challenges they wanted to work through together—some of which were submitted beforehand by members of the group. Topics ranged from optimizing video upload workflows to customizing Gallery experiences and setting up an MRSS feed for syndication.

Our Brightcove engineers were on hand to answer any specific questions or concerns; and they provided documentation samples, insights from previous labs, and other materials to ensure customers left feeling equipped to tackle their challenges and get the most out of Brightcove’s products and services.

While the Tech-a-Thon had a basic structure in place, the team empowered attendees to work on what interested them, and develop implementation strategies that best suited their specific needs and technology.

Overall, it was a great day of learning and networking—and there’s so much more to come! Stay tuned for more daily recap posts throughout the week.

Interested in watching tomorrow’s main-stage sessions right from your desk?