Tie video to marketing automation

Video marketing automation turns a tedious process into powerful ROI

Tie video to marketing automation

Video marketing is officially here to stay: according to Wyzowl’s State of Video Marketing in 2019, 91 percent of marketers consider video an important part of their strategy. However, most companies are still manually tracking their video data, rather than integrating it with their MarTech stack. What’s up with that?! Automating video and tying it to the rest of your marketing campaigns makes your life easier. Done effectively, it can even take your ROI to the next level.

Why video?

Video is more engaging and more effective at converting viewers than most text assets. According to our research with YouGov, 45 percent of adults say that video is more engaging than other content, and 76 percent of them have made a purchase after watching a video. Video is also easier for your audience to consume than long-form copy, and easier for marketers to set up. Think about it: using a video platform like Brightcove, you can easily drop a video thumbnail into an email (which increases your click-through rate by up to 50 percent, according to Campaign Monitor!) and create the associated video landing page with one click. Compare that to setting up a landing page with a custom form, and then tracking form submissions.

Why automate it?

Let’s say you used Brightcove to drop a video thumbnail in your email, which then leads to a landing page where the video can be viewed. Do you have time to manually track engagement statistics on that video, let alone follow up with every lead who watches it? Of course not.

Because videos are so engaging and effective, capturing details about the people who view them is essential. We use our own analytics and tracking tool, Brightcove Audience, to tie the metrics of our videos—SDR outreach videos, product videos, webinars, etc.—into Eloqua, which is then tied to Salesforce. This means we can track view activity without gating every piece of content. It improves our users’ experience and helps drive more leads to sales, which increases our funnel. Not only that, but the increased visibility into engagement metrics helps our creative team learn which types of videos are most effective, so that they can optimize for conversion.

Marketing automation makes it effortless to capitalize on the power of video. When your stack works together seamlessly, your sales team gets leads that they can follow up with—or your leads can enter an automated nurture track (yes, more automation!). Here at Brightcove, we have over thirty different nurture tracks which can be triggered by activity on our website, event attendance, users’ job titles, and more. Automating those nurtures makes our job easier, and by connecting Eloqua to Salesforce, it also makes our sales team’s job easier. They can effortlessly see which content their prospects have already interacted with, and where their interests lie, before starting a conversation with them.

Hopefully by now, I’ve convinced you that video marketing automation is a no brainer. Looking for a tool that will do all the work for you? Check out Brightcove Audience, our video marketing automation solution.

Tie video to your MarTech stack for powerful results