Social Video Drives Revenue for SilverLine Athletics

It’s clear that video is the current favorite across most social media platforms; more than 100 million hours of video are watched on Facebook every day.

To optimize social video, marketers such as SilverLine Athletics are using Brightcove Social to consolidate their social video analytics across all social channels, track social engagement per video, and quickly assess what’s working and where--ultimately getting a true ROI picture.

Using video to connect global sponsors to a highly attractive demographic of endurance sports athletes, SilverLine Athletics provides experiences that drive monetization for sponsors, while providing engaging video experiences for endurance athletes and fans globally. With Brightcove Social functionality, SilverLine Athletics makes it easier for event partners to create and publish videos. The goal for SilverLine: make the company’s event partners the most effective video publishers possible.

Brightcove Social gave SilverLine Athletics three new publishing destinations - YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook - for each event, all done automatically from one interface. Brightcove Social has had a major impact for SilverLine Athletics: with social media being so important for their business, event directors can now easily extend the reach of their video to leverage social media, a primary method of marketing and communicating with their audiences. With Brightcove Social, SilverLine can use every social media channel appropriately - natively, in the way it was intended - encouraging partners to develop a stronger distribution strategy.

“Distribution efficiency has been powerfully enhanced for SilverLine’s event publishing partners with this social tool,” said Holden Comeau, SilverLine Athletics co-founder and COO. “Every video that is uploaded through our video CMS by a SilverLine event partner can be automatically – and natively – published to the event website, as well as the event’s Facebook, Twitter, YouTube channels. This has eliminated the need for multiple uploads, and has simultaneously returned a closer, apples-to-apples comparison on cross-channel analytics performance.”

One SilverLine customer already making use of Brightcove Social is KMC CrossFest, a race production company specializing in professional and amateur Cyclocross events. Leveraging Brightcove Social, SilverLine is able to help save KMC CrossFest time and provide greater visibility into their video analytics.

KMC Cross Fest-1.jpg

Another SilverLine partner realizing the benefit of Brightcove Social is professional triathlete and video content creator, Eric Lagerstrom. Since implementing SilverLine’s video marketing platform and using Brightcove Social to increase distribution workflow efficiency, Lagerstrom’s monthly content output has increased 3x.


“I’m putting out more videos each week than I had been able to produce each month,” Lagerstrom said. “And I know they’re getting to the people who want to see them.”

“For our partners, uploading their videos one time to SilverLine’s video  content management system (CMS)  that pushes their videos out to numerous different locations is an obvious time savings,” says Comeau. “It’s also  a much better experience for the viewer, watching video on each network’s native player.”

Read more about SilverLine Athletics.

Learn about Brightcove Social.