Japan’s Largest Airline Expands Video Distribution While Reducing Video Operating Costs by 33%

Japan’s Largest Airline Expands Video Distribution While Reducing Video Operating Costs by 33%

From TV commercials and in-flight entertainment to digital advertising and direct marketing campaigns, All Nippon Airways (ANA) uses video to raise brand awareness, drive customer engagement and online sales, and communicate critical travel information. For Japan’s largest airline, video is key to attracting customers to their site, where 90% of domestic airline tickets are purchased.  But as their video usage consistently expanded, managing distribution and providing a consistent viewer experience became increasingly difficult.

Hoping to simplify their processes, reduce costs and simultaneously improve the quality of the video experience, ANA moved to Brightcove. Once the airline moved to a single platform for all of its video including mobile and social, Apple TV and Roku, ANA quickly saw results:

  • ANA has streamlined their video processes, reduced operating costs by 33%, and cut their video upload days in half.

  • ANA is now able to manage projects that span across multiple teams and partners in a single place, simplifying cross department video production.

  • With highly detailed analytics on their videos, they now track increased traffic to its various assets, providing critical feedback on content engagement, viewership and customer reactions.

Learn more about ANA’s video strategy