3 Video Landing Page Templates for the Non-technical Marketer with No Time

3 Video Landing Page Templates for the Non-technical Marketer with No Time

I recently attended the MarketingProfs B2B Forum in Boston. I am not a marketer. I am mostly responsible for creating technology for marketers and so I attended this conference to learn more about my customers. But being my first marketing conference, I decided I was going to get the most out of it-- so I did it all. I cleared my schedule at home, attended all of the keynotes and activities, researched session presenters and went to as many sessions as I could. It was motivating and exciting.

What I learned by the end of the conference is marketers live and die by the performance of their campaigns and how important it is to get it right. Marketing and sales performance reports mean their ideas are placed under a microscope. I also realized how dependent they can be on design, IT, and development teams to make their vision a reality.

I have been the product manager for Brightcove Gallery for more than a year now. The motto of my product is “for marketers, by marketers” and Gallery is doing a great job in offering marketers an easy way to create their video libraries and gain access to a sophisticated video technology. Being at this content marketing conference, it became clear to me that now more than ever, we need to make video technology accessible to marketers so that they can become more independent in their work and own their results.

Video gallery page

Gallery is a Brightcove product that allows marketers to create immersive video experiences, that live on their branded website, without any development. Our Gallery team is constantly looking for additional opportunities and product use cases to provide more value to non-technical digital marketers. As an example, our marketing team has been utilizing landing pages and testing their effectiveness (you can see my colleague Rose Morabito’s post on Brightcove’s landing page optimization for more details). With this in mind,one of our principal and visionary engineers took it upon himself to create a template to help our team, and yours-- Gallery video landing pages. It was a genius idea so we built it into the product! This particular template (we have three layouts) has a great design, holds only one video and is fully customizable to add content around the video. Not to mention, it integrates with our new Gallery subpath feature so marketers can publish as many video landing pages as they want using a consistent URL!

Introducing Gallery’s Video Landing Pages

The landing page template is the first Gallery template that is designed to have only one video out of the box. All the text around the video player is configurable by the user and offers all the features a marketer needs to create and publish a video landing page, Including social media sharing buttons, lead forms and companion calls to actions.

This template offers three different layouts out of the box to address every marketing design needs and to provide variety in your marketing landing pages

Layout with Sidebar CTA/Ad and Lead Form

This is the default layout giving users options for inserting an out-of-the-box lead form and a companion calls-to-action next to the video player. In every template, there is space for  optional companion CTAs on the bottom of the landing page as well.

Video Call to Action and Lead Form

Video Landing Page for Eloqua or Marketo Users

This is a perfect template for marketers who want to add their own Eloqua or Marketo lead form to the lead form. All companion CTA spaces are accepting custom HTML which makes them very flexible.  

Video on a Landing Page with CTA

Video Landing Page Layout without Sidebar

This layout provides a larger video player for marketers who want to have most of the focus on the video without much distraction around the video experience.You can place a lead form inside the player or use the space below to promote accompanying resources, keeping them on your site through content.

Video on a landing page

Friction Free Publishing

Custom subdomain names are a powerful way to publish sites and landing pages in a consistent URL. We have heard over and over from our customers that CNaming Gallery sites (although a powerful feature) takes more time than desired as most marketers are dependent to IT teams to CName their sites. Integrated with Gallery’s subpath feature and the vanity URLs the Gallery Landing Page template empowers marketers to publish landing pages without the need to CNaming the site and therefore becoming independent in their creating and publishing their video landing pages.

Publishing Video on a Landing Page

Now, publishing a video landing page is easier than ever. Stop trying to find time in your IT and development teams’ calendars to talk about when your campaign can go live. You can now put your energy into creating effective content and focusing on your brand and customers, knowing that spinning off a beautiful and effective video landing pages is something you can do by yourself, in minutes.

We all want to come back from conferences and put our new learnings into effect. I’m happy to say, that with the help of my team, I can give something back to my marketing friends. Enjoy!