How to Reach a Global Audience with an Integrated Video Marketing Tech Stack

How to Reach a Global Audience with an Integrated Video Marketing Tech Stack

Organizations big and small typically share similar goals and challenges with video. For some more than others, video is essential to staying relevant with their audiences. Our customers know this to be particularly true. How do you reach a global audience while being cost conscious and effectively measuring engagement?  

Back in 2001, an organization Brightcove now works with needed to evolve its communication strategy because its audience’s attention was now online. They streamed their first annual event using homegrown tools, patched together by a small IT team. On-demand videos were posted, after the live event, using a self-built flash player. Some on-demand content took six months to appear online after a live broadcast, long after it had been forgotten. Early on, this strategy sufficed, but the technological advances in video content management were outpacing its IT team’s limited resources. They knew they could do better and that their audiences needed more.

As marketers, with each new tool we evaluate, we ask, ”How is this going to work with the products I already use? “Am I going to be able to achieve my goals with this technology?” Online video platforms (OVPs) need to be flexible --  customizable to match the needs of modern business. A technology ecosystem is a platform designed to be built upon, enhancing the functionality of the core platform. Brightcove’s ecosystem is expanding every day with new partners building their technology on top of our platform. The organization above had goals it could only fulfill with the right blend of technologies. Since its initial sign-on in 2010, this global organization has utilized the partner ecosystem to its highest maximum. Let’s look at its progress and the evolution of its goals, from simply streamlining workflow initially, to now approaching high-performance interactive video content.

Transitioning to an Integrated Video Marketing Tech Stack

As the online video platform market began to mature, this organization learned that it could benefit from off-loading core functions of its video publishing workflow to an online video platform (OVP). Its content library was growing exponentially, the number of languages it needed to support was unmanageable, and the resources to upkeep a DIY video player forced it  to look outside the organization.

Its workflow was so complex, with its six-person team scattershot around video player maintenance, it needed a solution that didn’t just solve one problem, but many problems at once. The most pressing? Live and on-demand video delivery, and robust video analytics. To address these, it chose Brightcove as an OVP while utilizing integrations with Akamai and Adobe Omniture.

Initially, just signing on to a premium OVP and the support provided proved more beneficial than “going at it alone.” This organization saw the following benefits immediately:

Streamlined Workflow: instead of worrying about if the live stream was playing back, it could just focus on the capture and delivery of the content to Brightcove, freeing up valuable resources.

Increased Deliverability: frictionless connection with its audiences. The team didn’t have to worry about reaching a global audience and the video player working in Safari 8.36.

Improved Video Marketing Effectiveness: aggregate analytics all in one place allowed the team to analyze (now that they had time!) how their messages were being received by audiences.

The organization’s video strategy now had room to develop.  Once the video deliverability issue was resolved, a new and interesting challenge presented itself: How could it  make its video content more engaging? (Sound familiar?) Realizing a global audience engages more with video content in its native language, this organization turned to the Brightcove ecosystem to find a solution. It worked with partner 3PlayMedia to deliver transcribed content across multiple languages instead of worrying about delivering captions through a DIY software.

Customized Technology Solutions for Online Video

In fact, each Brightcove customer has its own unique challenges to overcome. With each obstacle, this organization utilized Brightcove’s partner ecosystem to move forward.  


Function/Problem Solved


Quicker video publishing post-production


Made on-demand video globally accessible with captions and subtitles

Adobe Experience Manager

Enabled web team to publish video without access to Video Cloud

Adobe Omniture

Video analytics aggregated with website analytics


Deeper video analytics leading to further optimization

Online Video Growth with Support, Recommendations, and Guidance

Enviably, this organization has enhanced online communications, lowered workflow friction and cost, reduced live video turnaround to one-day all the while immensely improving global audience reach and engagement numbers. So what’s next? Name the challenge and it will  find a solution! Right now this organization has set its sights on increasing video engagement, and producing more content (as well as interactive video content), so it is prioritizing solutions in these spaces. It will be exciting to see how this organization uses technology to achieve their goals.

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