Foster a Corporate Culture of Learning and Knowledge Sharing Using Video Data

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." 
- George Bernard Shaw

As businesses grow, so does the headcount. With it,  communications  become more challenging. As marketers, we’re seeing more leaders and subject matter experts using video to communicate vision, culture, ideas, and lessons learned across their organizations.  

What if you could know who is listening, which messages were well received and which ones needed to be re-shared? Brightcove Audience allows you to do just that and keep your finger on the pulse of your staff. At, Brightcove, we believe in the power of video for communications, and particularly for connecting across disparate offices. This is why we have begun an internal video communications project. But we didn’t stop there. We applied the same tactics video marketers use to measure and refine interactions with their audiences-- engagement and video completion data, marketing automation, and email. Want to know how you can better guide your teams and shape a culture of learning? Keep reading.

Internal Training for Sales Teams with Video

In April of 2016 we started regular “Office Hours” with our product specialists. These regular sessions are conducted via a video conferencing service, recorded, and made available on-demand using our very own Gallery product. It’s an opportunity for us to share the latest product updates as well as gather valuable feedback from the frontlines, those who interact with prospects and customers most often -- our sales and account management teams.

Video Portal for Internal Communications

Internal communication became amazingly/scarily/ridiculously more precise when we enabled Audience, integrating our videos with a marketing automation platform (MAP). As the viewing data trickled in, lead-scores were updated and follow-up emails encouraging more participation were sent out. Everyone started automatically receiving content they were interested in and we began to identify how individual employees were engaging with different content.

Video view analytics and marketing automation

View of Marketo’s smart list filtered by individuals who watched 75% or more of a video and then performing a lead score increase  as well as sending and email to those qualifying individuals

Another discovery was that individuals typically considered as top-performers on our sales team were showing up at the top of our lead score list. It seems we’ve uncovered a correlation between those who stay informed and educated on internal developments with those team members who perform consistently. What a great way to show the value of internal communications and to encourage your team to stay informed! In fact, our top 7 lead score candidates watched an average of 3.6 videos (or 47 min) a month adding up to 5.5 hrs of content collectively. Several of them watched videos repeatedly and others watched only the most applicable parts of a video. Try scheduling 5.5 hours worth of meetings across teams on multiple continents each month and see how many attend. We’re not taking up time on their calendar but they’re choosing to engage with us when they can, guiding their own learning. We not only have a more informed sales team, we also have a more time-efficient sales team.

Leadership Communication through Internal Video

Another example from our own backyard demonstrates how versatile Brightcove Audience is. Our SVP of Digital Marketing, Caren Cioffi, needed a way to regularly communicate the latest happenings and updates within the digital marketing business unit. Another lengthy email in everyone’s inbox wasn’t going to cut it! Instead, she turned to video.  

Caren record a simple 2-3 minute video along with her colleagues in which they quickly communicated a lot of information in a small amount of time. Not to mention, everyone actually enjoyed the experience since it was a video -- we got to see the smiles and hear the voices of those we might not regularly interact with. Viewership metrics also showed what a huge success it was with an average play-rate of 65.5% and an engagement score of 66%.

Video gallery for internal communicationsIn this case, we did not integrate with a marketing automation platform but instead used Audience, as a standalone data gathering platform. In order to keep these internal conversations secure, we configured Gallery to use our own Single Sign On server (in this case Google) so employees could log in with their company email and password. A simple click confirming their Google account and they were in, watching the video. Audience’s custom integration capabilities allowed us to pass the captured email address to Audience and use it to log how much of each video they viewed -- right within Audience. This data can be downloaded from Audience by the way, so you can use video viewership data from Brightcove without a MAP.

Video views screen

Do you know what you don’t know? Brightcove Audience supercharges video whether it be live events, website videos, or video portals powered by Gallery. Our video is a 24/7 data-gathering hub with Audience and we know what is working and what isn’t. We’re happy to be able to support our teams by informing and collaborating with these internal video initiatives, using their digital feedback to constantly improve our efforts.

Want to learn about Brightcove Audience?