Marketing Automation + Video: How to Set Up a Campaign and Lead-Score Model

Marketing Automation + Video:  How to Set Up a Campaign and Lead-Score Model

Marketing automation is being talked about a lot these days. Amazingly powerful, it is one of the key components to creating a cadence for digital 1:1 conversation with our customers. Video adds a level of detail to marketing automation data that personalizes messages and supercharges results. However, what I’ve found is that a lot of people are still struggling with, well, getting started. Concepts are good, but sometimes we need a little practical help taking the first steps.  So how to do you do it? The same as with anything, one step at a time. I’m excited to lead you through this process of integrating your platforms, accessing advanced video metrics, and setting up your first campaigns. Let’s drive more intelligent interactions with marketing automation and video.

Essential Elements of Setting up a Marketing Automation and Video Platform Integration

There are two pieces you’ll need to get started today:

  1. Do you have a marketing automation platform (MAP)?  We’re talking something like Marketo or Oracle Eloqua.  If so, great.  If not, keep reading and you’ll gain some great advice for when you do purchase one.
  2. Do you have access to Brightcove Audience?  If yes, great.  If not, ask us about a trial to start delivering video viewing data into your MAP.

How to Enable Individual Video Viewer Analytics with Audience

If you said yes to both of the above questions then all you need to do is flip the switch to turn on Audience and start tracking individual viewership data.  

Follow these three simple steps:

  1. Sign into your MAP (Marketo, Oracle Eloqua)  from within Audience
  2. Create an Audience enabled player from within Audience (See how to do this her for Marketo and Oracle Eloqua).
  3. Publish a video using your new Audience enabled player (Note: You can also manually add the audience plugin to any existing Brightcove Players distributed across your websites to automatically convert them and start tracking viewer data.)

Getting Started with Video in Marketing Automation: Goals & Supporting Content

Not so hard, was it? Now that you have the integration set up and a player that is tracking video viewing data, there’s a big “so what” lingering in your mind. “Now what do I do with this data?” There are some key questions we can ask to help us figure that out, the first of which have to do with goals.

What do you want to accomplish?

  1. Do you want to generate new leads using video?
  2. Do you want to qualify and segment existing contacts using video data?  

How will you appeal to your audiences? Assess two critical criteria:

  1. Which video is the best performing (my viewers like it)?
  2. Which video contains the message most important to me (I like it)?

We’re looking for is 1-3 pieces of content that meet at the crossroads of these two requirements. These videos are going to be your most important pieces of content. Now let’s place them in a campaign.

Watch our webinar to learn how to integrate Marketo with Brightcove Audience.

Adding Video to a LeadGen Campaign for Prospects

Let’s try adding video to a new leadgen campaign. The main difference between this campaign and a qualifying campaign is the first step.

  1. Initial communication: This can be anything from a paid social ads campaign, banner ads on third-party sites, google Adwords or some kind of incentivized social sharing campaign (“share this with five friends to be entered into a drawing”). Basically ask yourself “where do my prospects live?”
  2. Destination: Once we have cast the net, we need some kind of destination to send all these new prospects. Optimally, this would be a landing page on which your top performing content lives.
  3. CTA: Finally once you have their attention and they are enjoying your free content, it’s time to ask something of them-- a call-to-action.  I would suggest an in-video lead form.  This type of CTA pauses the video and asks them to identify themselves. Keep it short, utilizing three to four fields maximum.
  4. The Follow-up: Now you have their contact info, but you have another amazing piece of information. Your Audience-enabled player will tell you how much of the video they watched. This is a highly accurate and specific piece of information that tells you exactly how interested they are.   
    In your MAP you can very easily set up a segmentation based on how much of the video they watched. I would suggest keeping it simple and segmenting them based on whether they watched more or less than 50% of the video. If they watched more than 50% decide you might want to send them another soft follow-up with an additional piece of content that moves them down the funnel, perhaps a white paper or webinar follow-up. If they watched less than 50% you will need to send them to another follow-up track, or nurture path to keep them engaged until they are ready to convert.

Watch our webinar to learn how to integrate Oracle Eloqua with Brightcove Audience.

Qualifying your Known Users for a LeadGen Campaign with Video 

For our second example, let’s take a look at qualifying your known users. The biggest difference in this lead gen campaign is that you already know the names and email addresses of all of your prospects. You simply want to identify the ones that are genuinely interested so you can engage them directly.

  1. Initial Communication: Since you already know who these individuals are, send them an email. Easy.
  2. Destination: Direct your audience to a landing page with your best performing content that communicates your most important message.
  3. CTA: Since you already know who they are, you can skip this step or use progressive profiling to ask them for additional details like job title, company name, and country. Again, this can be done during the viewing process with an in-video lead form.
  4. The Follow up: Once again, you now have critical information on your prospects behavior and can quickly segment them into those that watched more or less than 50% of the video. Is it time to pass this lead on to sales for a direct contact? Or follow up with an additional piece content to further segment and qualify them? Your MQL criteria should give you the answer.

That’s it! Congratulations!  You have set up your first marketing automation campaign.  Easy right? Despite how simple the campaign may appear, you are feeding rich behavioral data from your videos into your marketing automation platform. You’re already surpassing other marketers.

Setting up a campaign like this can have a significant effect on the quality of your leads and ultimately on your ROI. Remember, don’t be afraid to start simple and build out the complexity later with additional segmentation or video follow-ups. Monitor, assess, and continue the conversation with your prospects using video.

Engage and Convert with Marketing Automation