Meet the Speaker: Jay Smith

Meet the Speaker: Jay Smith

Continuing our series of introducing some of our PLAY speakers, we spoke to Jay Smith, Managing Partner at CloudSparks. Find out what he will be talking about at PLAY, and check out his dare to Brightcove’s CEO, David Mendels. 

Britta: Jay, you are a Managing Partner at CloudSparks. Can you tell us a little about CloudSparks?
Jay:  CloudSparks provides guidance on scalable technology for global multi-market, multi-brand digital marketing.  This often involves recommending right-sized solutions that suit short- and long-term goals.  As you could guess, planning, executing and supporting successfully tends to require specific capability and large-scale asynchronous coordination, so we often make recommendations, engage best vendor partners, plan governance, as well as collaboration tools for workflow and knowledge base.

Since choosing the right applications is only part of the success equation, we are especially thrilled to have relationships with the best-of-class vendors/partners.  With Brightcove’s support, we played a lead role in implementing the OVP for a Fortune 10 company’s two major brands across a multitude of lines of business in 70 markets. Additionally, we have a very close relationship with Cognifide, a well-recognized expert in development and design guidance for AEM and Sitecore CMS platforms.  We’re big on collaboration: Atlassian’s JIRA/Confluence get huge respect; as well as Axure/AxShare, which now offers an enterprise collaboration cloud venue (a security feature enhancement suggested by CloudSparks).

It’s a ton of fun -- nothing beats being well-equipped with all the right stuff to do truly amazing things for our customers. 

B: You were part of Team Detroit a couple of years back. What sparked you to use Brightcove services?
J: It was clear that video was absolutely growing into the medium of choice for consumers, but the methods previously used didn’t scale to optimize marketing ROI, let alone business control (digital rights management, quality control, security, compliance, etc.). Furthermore, global platforms being adopted, such as Adobe Marketing Cloud, begged content volume and velocity. It became clear an OVP like Brightcove was needed to support a scaled multi-brand global-to-local approach. From the beginning of the relationship, Brightcove’s product feature enhancement trajectory has reinforced our conviction that it remains the best choice.

B: At PLAY this year, you will be speaking as part of a session entitled "Streamlining Video Across the Enterprise." What can the audience expect to hear?
J: It's essential to consider workflow and governance as part of daily operations when coordinating across many markets and brands. Coordination challenges increase geometrically in the case of decentralized publishing in local markets.

I’ll be talking about common workflow challenges faced in a global multi-market context, as well as some practical solutions that help reduce frustration and risk while you push to increase content volume and velocity via your OVP.
Of course, I’ll be available for questions during the session, and afterward, as well. 

B: We are super excited to have you on board. What are you most excited about for PLAY?
J: While I don’t think it’s on the agenda, I am secretly hoping David Mendels arranges to fly a drone from the Boston cityscape into the PLAY auditorium to do an audience flyby, all while streaming video in real time on the big screen!  Tall order, I know! Maybe next year, David?!
PLAY is filled with friendly, pioneering marketing and technology folks…. Everyone has a great story to tell – what could be better than that?!

B: Thank you so much, Jay. Always a pleasure talking to you. 

Meet Jay and speakers at Brightcove PLAY on May 16th, 2016 in Boston. The event is free for existing Brightcove customers. It is also sold out for 2016. If you want to get on the invite list for next year’s event, please contact us at

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