Meet the Speaker: Stewart Glass

Meet the Speaker: Stewart Glass

It's officially spring in Boston and a great time to visit the city. With the city in full bloom shortly, we will be ready to PLAY! The event is only eight weeks away and is 97% sold out.

As we are moving closer to the event, we want to highlight some of the most exciting sessions we have planned. This week, we are highlighting “How to Develop Mobile Applications with the Brightcove Platform,” scheduled for 9 AM EST on Day 2 of PLAY  (Tuesday, May 17th). I spoke with Stewart Glass, Senior Product Manager at Brightcove, who is running this session, and here is what he had to say:

[Britta] Stew, what is your role and Brightcove and how long have you been with the company?

[Stew] I've been with Brightcove for almost 5 years and in that time I've worked on a pretty wide range of fields. Nowadays, I run the product side for our Native Playback teams as well as our Catalog APIs. During the day, you'll see me sprinting between meetings, gathering data, keeping conversations flowing, and in general just helping get things done.

[B] I heard you are Canadian. How do you feel about the Boston Bruins?

[S] I don't particularly follow them. It's just fun to rile up Bruins fans with some Montreal Canadiens propaganda. I hear they've picked up the pace more recently. It's a shame they don't play each other again in the season. For the most, part I've found the rivalry between the two cities to be a great ice breaker when meeting new people who also enjoy hockey, so it's fun just to poke the bear.

Editorial note: Stew runs contests every time the Bruins play the Canadiens, where the loser has to wear the opposing team’s jersey. We have a great gallery of Bruins fans in Canadian shirts at our office.

[B] You will be presenting at PLAY this year on Day 2 in the "How to Develop Mobile Applications with the Brightcove Platform" workshop. What can people expect from this session?

[S] My goal is to provide attendees with an awe inspiring sense of what our SDKs can do for them. With a healthy dabble of demonstrations and walkthroughs, I'll be aiming to provide valuable insight geared for a range of technically inclined people; you won’t have to be an Android or iOS wizard to learn from this session. Of course, if you have additional thoughts or questions you can also feel free to grab us at the end as well!

[B] What is your favorite thing about PLAY?

[S] My favorite aspect is by far meeting customers. PLAY is an opportunity to meet people who I've been chatting with over e-mails for quite some time and nothing beats putting a face to conversations you've had in the past or talks you'll have in the future. From following up with customers and partners about big projects underway to meeting people thinking about diving in themselves, there's a wealth of feedback and experience that I look forward to exploring.

Meet Stew and speakers at Brightcove PLAY on May 16th, 2016 in Boston. The event is free for existing Brightcove customers. If you would like to participate, request an invite by emailing us at


Learn more about Brightcove PLAY