Meet 3Play Media at Brightcove PLAY 2016

Meet 3Play Media at Brightcove PLAY 2016

Despite dodging the bulk of Winter Storm Jonas here in Boston last week, we nonetheless have snow on the ground and are bundled up in winter coats - and looking forward to Spring and PLAY 2016. This week in our partner series, we’re talking with 3Play Media, who not only shares the name PLAY with us, but who has also been a sponsor since the inception of our conference six years ago.

3Play Media provides premium captioning, transcription, and subtitling to more than 1,600 customers in higher ed, enterprise, entertainment, and government. Their goal is to simplify the process through flexible APIs, a secure web system, and integrations with numerous video players and platforms. I spoke with Lily Bond, Marketing Director at 3Play Media. A long time resident of Boston and graduate of Tufts University, she had some amazing tips of what to do in Boston. Make sure you catch them at the end of our interview.

[Britta] How does 3Play Media help video publishers and marketers?

[Lily] 3Play Media is a closed captioning, transcription, and subtitling company that helps

video publishers and marketers make their video content accessible, interactive,searchable, SEO-friendly, and engaging in any language. Our goal is to make the process as easy as possible for our customers. 3Play Media integrates seamlessly with the Brightcove Player to automate the captioning workflow while guaranteeing over 99% accuracy. This integration allows you to select videos for captioning from your Brightcove account; we'll post the captions directly back to your videos when they're complete.

[B] What can you tell us about sponsoring PLAY?

[L] 3Play Media has sponsored PLAY every year since its inception. We really value our relationship with Brightcove and look forward to opportunities to build upon it. We tightly integrate with the Brightcove Player to provide a value-added service. PLAY provides an invaluable opportunity to connect with users face-to-face to garner feedback on their latest requirements and wish lists. We especially enjoy having a forum to meet with some of our long-standing customers from near and far.

[B] Can you describe what PLAY is like in three words?

[L] Valuable, Fun, Innovative

[B] What can people expect when they visit your booth?

[L] We'll have demos of our interactive search tools and other services, but definitely expect to chat. If you're looking for a solution or if you're just curious about captioning, we'd love to talk with you about it. We also really value having an opportunity to discuss industry trends in person, so come by with any new requirements or ideas!

[B] Any fun recommendations for what people could do while in Boston?

[L] It's tough to pick, but here are a few of my favorites. For cocktails, check out Drink in the Seaport. If you're a vegetarian like me, Life Alive in Central Square will change your life. Get some tacos at Tenoch in Davis Square or at their food truck on the Greenway. If you're a coffee addict, Gracenote has the best espresso I've ever had. For culture, my best recommendation is to take a walk! The Freedom Trail hits a lot of the historic sites in Boston, but it's also a great way to see the city. Start at Boston Common and work your way to the North End, where you can reward yourself with an amazing pastry (try Mike's or Modern Pastry).

Join Lily and other technology partners at Brightcove PLAY on May 16th, 2016 in Boston. The event is free for existing Brightcove customers. If you would like to participate, request an invite by emailing us at