Meet Neon at Brightcove PLAY 2016

Meet Neon at Brightcove PLAY 2016

Brightcove has a rich ecosystem of technology partners who extend the value of Video Cloud. They play a key role with our customers and are also an important presence at our global customer conference, PLAY. We’ll be highlighting several of our great partners over the next few months leading up to PLAY 2016.

First up are our good friends at Neon, a company that optimizes video thumbnails to help media companies and marketers grow revenue. Their solution is drawn from a proprietary scientific solution developed at Brown University and Carnegie Mellon that is based on how the human brain responds to images.

This is the fourth year that Neon is sponsoring PLAY, and I wanted to find out what their team is excited about this year - and get a sneak preview of what they will be showcasing at PLAY. I recently chatted with Nicole Halmi, Neon’s Communications and Operations Lead for her perspective. She has been at Neon for just over three years and works closely with Brightcove’s partnerships team.

Britta: How does Neon Labs help video publishers and marketers?
Nicole: Neon is an automated image selection platform for monetizing digital content. Our video and image products are real-time optimization tools for images and video thumbnails—proven to increase engagement for our customers by 16 to 40% on average. Our products are built on a unique combination of neuroscience and machine learning technology that can intelligently and automatically predict the images that will spark an emotional response in the audience.

B: What can you tell us about sponsoring PLAY?
N: This will be our fourth time sponsoring PLAY! It’s been exciting to grow alongside Brightcove, and all of our friends at PLAY. We love PLAY because it’s a highly-focused meeting of leaders in video media and marketing. Even though we’ve been attending and sponsoring for years, we always make interesting and fruitful new connections each time.

B: Can you describe what PLAY is like in three words?
N: Informative, exciting, valuable (and fun!)

B: What can people expect when they visit your booth?
N: In short, you’ll see cutting-edge work in images. We’ll show you the basic technology, so you can get a feel for which images work. You’ll also learn more about some of our products, such as Neon for Video—our product for video publishers—and Neon Live—our product that pulls engaging images from live streams in real time for dissemination on social media or publishers’ sites. Last but not least, you’ll get a sneak peek some of our newer product features. We can’t say too much yet, but expect to see things like smart automatic cropping and platform-responsive image selection.

B: Any fun recommendations for what people could do while in Boston?
N: We love the MIT Museum in Cambridge. They always have interesting exhibits based on images, photography, and video, which is right up our alley. It’s also nice to take a stroll around the Boston Common, which should be warming up by the time PLAY happens in May. Once you’ve seen the gardens and the Frog Pond at the Common, you can keep strolling to Quincy Market, where you’ll find a bite to eat and catch some street performers.

Join Nicole and other technology partners at Brightcove PLAY on May 16th, 2016 in Boston. The event is free for existing Brightcove customers. If you would like to participate, request an invite by emailing us at

Learn more about Brightcove PLAY