Powering B2B Marketing With Video at MarketingProfs B2B Forum

We recently interviewed MarketingProf’s Ann Handley for her insight on using video as part of a content marketing strategy. She stated it well when she said of video “there’s nothing really that gives your content the same kind of pulse and the same kind of breadth.”  When we say Video Moves we mean it on a couple of levels: 1) video touches people at a core emotional level ensuring your message is understood and internalized by the viewer, and 2) it moves business by providing high organic SEO, high time on site, and high conversion rates.

Brightcove is proud to be the Platinum sponsor of this week’s MarketingProfs B2B Forum in our headquarter city of Boston, MA! On the surface, that means you’ll see us in the opening keynotes as co-producers of the keynote video and making speaker introductions. But more importantly, we’ll be onsite talking with B2B marketers about how they can use video throughout the customer journey.  We look forward to talking big picture video marketing strategy with attendees as well as giving experienced advice on such marketing strategies as email, landing pages, and tutorials. We truly enjoy discussing tactics and strategy with marketers from how you can start video marketing with simple steps to planning for the future.  

Stop by booth #100 at the show and let us know what you’re looking to achieve in marketing in 2016. We’ll be happy to discuss some ways video can help you do just that.

Get the first three chapters of our handbook The Hero’s Guide to Video Marketing