The New Video Cloud: Don’t be Afraid of Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes

The New Video Cloud: Don’t be Afraid of Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes

Change can be hard. Believe me, I know. I hate when the smallest things change. It can be overwhelming and I often feel like I don’t have the time to deal with it, especially when I have something that seems to work just fine. But looking back, I almost always kick myself for not adopting the change sooner.

If you’re having these kinds of thoughts or feelings about the new Video Cloud, I am here to make a promise to you: once you move to the new Video Cloud, you won’t want to go back!

David Bowie sings “Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes. Turn and face the strange.” A common and proven method for dealing with change is to break long-term change down into doable chunks. With the new Video Cloud, you can easily do just that!

Using the new Video Cloud is as easy as typing into your browser. Once you login to open up the new Video Cloud’s studio, you will instantly notice performance improvements. Browsing around your video library, loading your list of players, opening up modules, saving metadata changes, etc. is all FAST! This is just one of many the reasons why once you start using the new Video Cloud, you won’t want to switch back.

One way to break down the process of moving to the new Video Cloud into doable chunks is to gradually change parts of your workflow. Here are a few options for how to get your feet wet.

1. Start with Uploading

The new Upload Module has so many benefits that I had to write an entire blog post about them. From the upload only user role, to the ability to create and select from multiple ingest profiles depending on the type of content you are uploading, to multiple performance improvements, and the ability to upload from desktop or any type of device, there are many reasons to migrate from the legacy Upload Module to the new Upload Module in the new Video Cloud! Even if uploading is the only thing you do to start, you will instantly benefit from the new experience. This is a great place to start - log into the new Video Cloud today to give it a try!

2. Next up is using the new Brightcove Player 

The New Brightcove Player is our ultra-fast, HTML-first player that is responsive and easy to customize using standard web technologies. For more information about the Brightcove Player, check out this blog post. Make the move over to the new Video Cloud’s Players Module and start by creating a player in just a few clicks. Once you've created your player, you can publish videos to that player in one easy click. Just navigate to the Media Module, select the video you want to publish, and click the "Publish" button. Check out our quick-start guide about publishing in the new Media module:

3. Don’t Forget about Custom Reporting

Another fantastic reason to make the move to the new Video Cloud is our custom reporting tool, which can only be accessed through the Analytics Module of the new Video Cloud. If you want to pull custom reports with video metrics across all your accounts, filter those reports based on tags or any other metadata fields, and send them out to users in your organization on a recurring schedule, it is time to head over to the new Analytics Module and click on the Custom tab.

4. Last, but not Least: Video Management

If you are someone who manages videos in your account, edits metadata, and is a frequent user of the Media Module today, you will not be disappointed by the huge performance and workflow improvements in the new Media Module. Editing and managing videos is a breeze. The new Media Module is built on top of our newest CMS APIs. Not only does your video library load faster than ever before, but metadata fields and video settings are no longer hidden behind tabs in the Media Module. Simply click on a video to open up the video details page and edit all your metadata on one screen.

Don’t let the worry of ch-ch-ch-ch-changes make you miss out on all these new opportunities! Log into the new Video Cloud today!  

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