Brightcove Player SDK for iOS March Releases

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS March Releases

We’ve got a packed post today as we introduce our very own integration with the new Brightcove Playback API, support for sidecar WebVTT captions, updates to our IMA integration, and, by popular demand, a sample application for DVR Live!

Brightcove Playback API
Our integration with the Brightcove Playback API enables Video Cloud customers using the iOS SDK to easily fetch and playback assets created using the new CMS API. This integration provides improved performance and security for your content requests and allows the SDK to take advantage of server-side enforced Geo and IP restrictions. You can learn more about managing your content using the new CMS API here.

And check out the reference docs for the new BCOVPlaybackService and BCOVPlaybackServiceRequestFactory.

Sidecar WebVTT Captions
Apples HLS implementation ignores the web and Android standards for specifying WebVTT captions by insisting that you provide captions to them in-manifest. This plugin helps to consolidate your captions workflow by allowing you to specify sidecar captions on iOS.

If you’re using the Brightcove Catalog integration described above, the plugin will automatically pull captions from your asset data. If you are unable to use the Brightcove Catalog or wish to override the data, you can manually configure captions to be loaded at the application level.

Check out the new Sidecar Captions Plugin.

Google IMA SDK
We’ve updated to the latest version of the IMA3 Beta. Make sure to get version 1.3 of the IMA Plugin, and for more information on the plugin release check out the GitHub repo’s changelog and README files.

DVR Live Playback
The Brightcove Player SDK for iOS leverages the inherent DVR Live support on iOS devices. A popular asking item, we have created a basic sample application that demonstrates how you can go about implementing DVR Live with the SDK. Feel free to tinker and experiment!

Check out the new DVR Live Sample Application.

Core SDK
For the new Playback API integration and paired sidecar WebVTT functionality, be sure to update to the latest version 4.3.3. For more details on changes in the release, check out the official changelog.