The Power of Branded Video Channels

The Power of Branded Video Channels

In today’s digital age, marketing teams are increasingly finding that the key to marketing success lies within creating experiences for potential customers. A major component of creating these experiences is a strong video strategy. Video has the power to create human connections and memorable experiences that far surpass that of print and images alone. Consequently, many brands are driving success through creating custom, fully-branded video galleries that completely immerse customers with branded content.

Branded video galleries enable customers to channel surf and binge-watch branded video assets just like they do their favorite TV programs. Companies spanning multiple industries are embracing video galleries to increase views, conversion and time-on-site and range from AccuWeather to Georgetown University. Through these galleries, brands are able to deliver an engaging and consistent brand message to consumers.

Owned vs. rented channels
Would you invest in building content on a webpage that you were renting, where the “landlord” could evict you and all of your content without your say? We don’t think so! Unfortunately, the brands that have gone the rented route by utilizing YouTube’s Custom Gadget to create custom branded pages recently got the news that YouTube will no longer support these pages past 2015. This news presents the underlying reason why brands should look at social channels, including YouTube, as a tactic to drive traffic to their branded assets, not the key places to build their brand or customer base. When you “build your house on rented land” you not only give up control of your brand, but you also build a following of “rented” fans. The goal of social media should alway be to drive traffic back to your owned platforms. A recent article from Thismoment explains this well saying:

“...the demise of the custom brand channel forces marketers to face a stark reality: to make video an element of their digital brand presence, versus an end unto itself, they will have to establish their own video hubs in the one place they can control their own destiny: The Web.”

Video is here to stay
Marketers utilizing video are experiencing huge success with increased awareness, engagement and conversion. It’s quick and continued growth emphasises how much consumers love it. People enjoy watching video, so give them a site where they can find all the info they want via video and you have a recipe for success. With Brightcove Gallery, you can easily create immersive video experiences that you own and are designed to deliver impressive marketing results! Check out the video below for more information on Gallery and visit Video Marketing Academy to see Gallery in action.