A Look Back: Top Hits for Video in 2014

A Look Back: Top Hits for Video in 2014

2014 was certainly an exciting year at Brightcove. From acquisitions to new products, there were rarely any quiet moments for us. In the spirit of the impending New Year we decided to take a look back at some of our most popular blog posts of 2014. An interesting find: 60% of our top posts included a video in them! We love it when our own data further backs up our business. Video is a proven, powerful tool that is only going to get better. We look forward to what 2015 will bring and thank you for joining us on this journey.

#10 Video Moves Business—The Changing Perspective of Brand Marketers
The move from traditional marketing to digital marketing has been a process for most marketers. But as the adoption has taken place, marketers have gained an enhanced understanding of digital marketing, and video in particular. As the kick off post to this blog series, this post gives you an overview of how video can positively impact marketing efforts.

#9 Video Moves Business—Increasing Online Sales
It’s no surprise this post is so popular, who doesn’t want to increase sales? This post is packed with great metrics that back up the power video has on sales. From ads to your online point of purchase itself, video helps people learn about your product, understand its appeal, and feel more confident buying it.

#8 [VIDEO] Media Leaders on Timely Content and Other Opportunities in Video for 2014
It’s hard to ignore top names like CBS, Twitter, The Weather Channel and FreeWheel. In this post we report back on a networking breakfast we held with several of our media customers that included a panel that discussed opportunities for broadcasters in the year ahead, as well as how to measure the performance of video initiatives as it relates to advertising, user experience, reach and engagement across devices. The video in the post gives a nice summary of key takeaways from the event.

#7 The Promise of MPEG-DASH
As MPEG-dash continues to gather momentum, we provided some details on the background of this technique and Brightcove’s decision to support it within our Video Cloud online video platform. In a more recent interview, our Luke Gaydon stated, “In 2015, I think we will see MPEG-dash, the streaming protocol coming more and more to the fore, which is great because it will act as an agent to collapse a lot of the complexity that we see around streaming protocols.”

#6 [VIDEO] Competition is Fierce at the Brightcove Olympics
Perhaps one of our favorite internal videos of 2014, the Brightcove Olympics was a huge hit on the blog as well. If you’re looking for a laugh and an inside look at Brightcove’s culture, pay this post and video a visit.

#5 [VIDEO] The Digital First Age and the Future of Video Advertising
This post takes a look at the evolution of the TV experience from broadcast, to pay TV, and now to Digital First. Coupled with a video interview, this posts also details what the Digital First age really means for broadcasters and consumers and why the coming years will be important years of growth for online video advertising.

#4 The New Apple TV: What Can We Expect?
Back in early 2014 there was a lot of speculation around what was in store for Apple TV. With it’s new primetime placement on Apple’s website, many wondered what that meant. Our Albert Lai provided his thoughts on what could come. Now, almost a year later, Apple TV’s top spot on the website has disappeared, and the sign of new updates are still yet to come.

#3 [VIDEO] Priorities for Digital Marketers in 2014
Stepping up our video game, this post feature two videos on the opportunity and challenges for digital marketers as they think about how to use video. In the first video, we highlight The 2014 State of Marketing survey, which asked marketers about their budgets, priorities, channels, metrics and strategies for 2014. In the second video, we discuss the latest marketing technology landscape "supergraphic" that was published by Scott Brinker from the Chief Marketing Technologist blog.

#2 [VIDEO] Top 5 Mistakes in Video Marketing Strategy
Although video marketing has been widely accepted, many marketers still struggle on how to strategically use it. This is a great video where we detail the top 5 mistakes (and fixes) marketers make in their video marketing strategy.

#1 [VIDEO] Now Available: Analyzing the ROI of Video Marketing
In March we posted this on-demand version of a live webinar we hosted that detailed the findings of a joint research initiative between Brightcove and Aberdeen on the ROI of Video Marketing. The report and webinar provided some great stats and insight into the benefits of video marketing. As our number one blog this year, it was clearly a big hit!