New Research Proves Customers Rank Video as Trusted and Most Personable Brand Marketing Experience

New Research Proves Customers Rank Video as Trusted and Most Personable Brand Marketing Experience

We have been long-time believers in the power of video, and as consumers become more and more tech savvy, it’s increasingly important for marketers to understand the influence of video in the marketing mix. To better illustrate how consumers feel about video, we embarked on a research study that questioned 2,000 consumers globally.

The research showed that a better video experience leads to more action, higher loyalty, and more social sharing. Not only do 79% of consumers favor digital content over traditional, but more than one in ten (12%) prefer to consume content from brands on their smartphone, tablet or mobile application. Almost a quarter (24%) of the consumers surveyed said video is their ‘most trusted’ source of brand content. Explaining their choice, 44% said video was more ‘appealing’ to them, while engaging (28%), authentic (29%) and sharable (10%) were also cited as reasons for trusting video content over other forms of brand communication.

The power of better video
In addition, over a third of consumers (35%) cited brand video content as more memorable if it is of high quality. The research found that when consumers had a good video experience:

  • Almost four in ten (39%) were more likely to research the brand or product further
  • A similar amount (36%) were more likely to tell friends and family about the brand
  • Three in ten (30%) said they were more likely to become brand loyal
  • Just under a fifth (19%) said they were more likely to share content from that brand on social media

But there’s still work to do
When asked how their branded video experience could be improved, three of the top four consumer responses related to video delivery – better quality streaming (32%), faster launch times (31%) and less buffering (30%) -- showcasing that consumers are really now focused on the experience that is being delivered to them, end-to-end.

It’s clear video creates an opportunity for engagement and should be viewed as an integral part of a marketing strategy and not just an add-on. By delivering a high quality, relevant and engaging video experience to end users, marketers can benefit from increased loyalty, higher brand engagement, more content sharing, and higher referral rates.