Brightcove Takes On Hyperlapse

Brightcove Takes On Hyperlapse

Excitement was abound across the Brightcove offices last week for the release of Instagram’s new app, Hyperlapse. It’s no surprise that video is close to all of our hearts, but CEO David Mendels made it that much more exciting by adding in an element of friendly competition.

By combining our love of video with our love of Brightcove’s culture, the mission was settled: whoever created the coolest Hyperlapse video that showcased Brightcove’s offices, culture, and spirit would be deemed winner and, along with the glory and bragging rights, would be the new owner of an xBox One. A time limit of 24 hours created some fierce competition, but a single winner emerged.

Director of Operations, Aaron Jeskey, prevailed with the winning video that included an inside look at our Boston office, some slip-and-slide action, and the hidden snacks in the freezer. What do you think?


If you like cake, unicorns, ping pong, elevators, or jousting, you might like this selection of contending videos:


Think you could fit in with us at Brightcove? We’re always looking for game changers to join our winning team. Check out our current openings