Taking ROI Local: Video Marketing in Europe

Taking ROI Local: Video Marketing in Europe

Earlier this year we produced a research report with Aberdeen Group on "Analyzing the ROI of Video Marketing", which explored key trends in video marketing by best-in-class companies.

Some of the findings included:

  • 95 percent of best-in-class marketers are using video as a content marketing tactic.
  • Video content users enjoy an average 4.8 percent website conversion rate, compared to 2.9 percent for non-users.
  • Companies using video require 37 percent fewer unique site visits to generate a marketing response or unqualified lead.

So we decided to put these stats to the test in Europe, the Middle and Africa and see how marketers across the pond stacked up. The results of this research will be discussed by Brightcove’s VP of Marketing, Steve Rotter, along with Aberdeen Group's CMO in residence, Trip Kucera, in a live webinar on June 24th hosted by Marketing Week:

You can register for the webinar here.

All attendees will also receive a copy of the EMEA research plus the option to receive a UK-specific study.

We hope you can join us!