Brightcove’s Boston Employees Help Youths Prepare for Lemonade Day

Brightcove’s Boston Employees Help Youths Prepare for Lemonade Day

At Brightcove, we believe in giving back. And last Thursday, a group of employees from our Boston office was able to do just that.

Thirteen Brightcove employees from our Finance Department volunteered their time on Thursday, April 24 at Babson College in preparation for an important local event - Lemonade Day. Lemonade Day is an initiative that began in Houston, TX in 2007 as a way to teach children the foundations of business and having a good work ethic.

According to the organization, by setting up lemonade stands throughout the community on one day each year, youths are empowered to take ownership of their lives and become productive members of society - the business leaders, social advocates, volunteers and forward-thinking citizens of tomorrow.

Now, the event is held annually in cities nationwide, giving thousands of children the chance to participate. And this Saturday, May 3, children all around Boston will be setting up their own lemonade stands to raise money for themselves and their community.

Last week, our employees joined forces with Babson to help local kids from the Red Sox Foundation's Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities Program -- and from other nearby elementary, middle and high schools -- learn about entrepreneurship while providing a fun environment that fostered creative thought and problem solving.

With their newly-acquired knowledge of what it means to be an entrepreneur, the participating youths worked in teams of five, each overseen by two or three volunteers, in order to develop a lemonade drink product. With their product in mind, students then created an income statement, planned a marketing strategy, taped a commercial, learned about business promises and developed a rocket pitch presentation.

All in all, it was a very successful day for everyone involved, and our employees were truly grateful to have a role in such a wonderful cause.

Above: Employees from Brightcove's Boston office pose with local children and teens in advance of Lemonade Day.