Brightcove @ CASBAA Highlights: From Free-to-Air to Free-to-Screen

Brightcove @ CASBAA Highlights: From Free-to-Air to Free-to-Screen

Media companies are undergoing a widespread digital transformation as they work to seamlessly deliver high-quality video over the Internet. Consumer viewing preferences and behavior have driven this major industry shift, a topic that Brightcove CEO, David Mendels, recently discussed during a visit to the Asia-Pacific region:

"Consumers have gone – if you go back ten years – from watching a little post-it stamp size video on the Web or on their laptop to consuming video on their mobile devices. Mobile video consumption is now mainstream and people expect the video that they care about, whether it’s entertainment or news, to be available on any device, anywhere and anytime."

Tom Cotter, general manager of digital media at TVNZ discussed this very issue at a recent breakfast Brightcove co-hosted with TVNZ at CASBAA. Cotter noted that maximizing TVNZ's video distribution to key devices is one of the network’s five core principles that support its vision for growing its on-demand video business next year.

If you missed the Brightcove-led sessions at CASBAA in Hong Kong last week, you can access our industry keynote and presentation on Brightcove's video solutions that drive TVNZ’s evolving multi-platform video strategy here.

And stay tuned for my next post which will recap additional key trends that we saw at CASBAA 2013 and industry issues we expect to continue to garner attention well into 2014.