Customer Case Study - Udemy

Udemy, an online learning platform that connects students with instructors who are "tops" in a variety of fields--teachers range from celebrities to Ivy League professors--places tremendous emphasis on interactive, visual education, including video. Founded in 2010, Udemy has served more than 500,000 students who are seeking to advance their careers or foster a personal passion. Because Udemy was founded by a team of talented engineers, it originally utilized a video encoding solution that the team built themselves. But, as the Udemy offering grew and the platform needed to integrate more and more video content from a number of sources, the company began to experience issues with encoding reliability and found it difficult to scale to handle the volume of content available for processing. Troubleshooting became a full-time job and it was distracting the engineering team from other mission-critical duties. Enter Brightcove's Zencoder Cloud Transcoding service. Since Udemy implemented Zencoder Cloud Transcoding in March 2011, the company has:
  • Increased course-completion rates
  • Reduced video encoding error rate (from 10 percent to less than .1 percent)
  • Scaled encoding output 215x
  • Greatly sped-up encoding turnaround, allowing instructors to post more videos more quickly
To learn more, you can download the complete case study via this link.