Brightcove's Support for Google's DoubleClick for Publishers Continues to Grow

Brightcove's Support for Google's DoubleClick for Publishers Continues to Grow

Earlier this week we highlighted the many innovations and flexible monetization options we've introduced this year for our media customers. The world of online video advertising continues to grow as does the revenue opportunity that surrounds it, so we are constantly working with our customers and partners to ensure we're able to help publishers take advantage of all of the monetization opportunities out there.

As part of this, we have continued to expand our partnership and integration with Google's DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) video module. In fact, Brightcove Video Cloud was the first, and remains the only, online video platform to support Google's IMA3 SDK on Flash and HTML5 and iOS mobile video. 

That's why we were thrilled to work with the team at DFP to support their new DoubleClick Third Party Partner Directory, available now on the DoubleClick site. The directory lists all of the DoubleClick approved platform partners who have developed innovative solutions and services for DFP, including Brightcove. Our very own Chris Johnston is quoted in DoubleClick's official blog announcing the new directory, which also features quotes from two Brightcove customers, and The Weather Company. 

We look forward to continuing to expand our partnership and support for DoubleClick for Publishers and making it as easy as possible for our media customers to monetize their audiences on every screen.