Scenes from Brightcove App Cloud Developer Kitchen

On June 29th, we kicked off the Developer Early Access Program for Brightcove App Cloud with a full day "Developer Kitchen" event at our headquarters in Cambridge. A select group of around 30 developers participated in the event and had the opportunity to test drive App Cloud and see the power behind this new innovation.

Developers were in attendance from many of our top interactive agency partners, as well as major media companies and brand marketers that are current Brightcove Video Cloud customers and are interested in learning more about App Cloud.

Feedback from participants was fantastic, with one participant saying that "App Cloud has set new horizons for the developer community to enter the mobile app world." Other great feedback was around the potential of App Cloud to make app creation easier and faster, as well as the level of integration with Video Cloud.

Check out the short video below to get a behind-the-scenes look at our first Developer Kitchen. And if you are interested in applying for our App Cloud private beta program, you can do so here.