Brightcove PLAY 2011 Breakout Session Videos Now Available

We are excited to announce that all of sessions from Brightcove PLAY 2011 are now available on-demand at Those of you who attended the event know that we had a jam-packed schedule of more than 30 exciting breakout sessions across three tracks - Strategy, User and Developer. All of the sessions were recorded to ensure that all attendees, as well as those folks who were not able to join us, would not miss out on any of the presentations from the event. 

We have many hours of footage to choose from, including this well-attended session on "Video Monetization Perspectives from Print, Broadcast and Pure-play Web Media" that featured speakers from Hearst Interactive, Rainbow Media, Legion Enterprises and Gannett Digital. 


We encourage everyone to take a look back at all of our PLAY 2011 sessions. And if you have a session idea that you'd like to propose for PLAY 2012, we'd love to hear from you. You can reach us at