Connecting with Customers: Q2 Brightcove CEO Webinar

Last week, Brightcove CEO Jeremy Allaire and President and COO David Mendels presented a quarterly update for customers. They provided an update on a number of big announcements from the past quarter and answered a bunch of customer questions. Here’s   a quick recap of what Jeremy and David covered:

Video strategy framework

Brightcove Video Cloud, the leading online video platform, is used by thousands of media companies and marketers around the world. In working closely with customers over the past six years, Brightcove has accumulated a wealth of best practices for maximizing value from online video investments.

Key insights and best practices have been bundled together into a new Video Strategy Framework shared during last week's webinar:

  • Mix – A mix of live and on-demand content is key. Live video events drive increased traffic for on-demand content for days after the event.
  • Quantity – There is a direct correlation between quantity of content and views and engagement. A combination of produced, licensed, and user-generated content is the best way to build out a content library.
  • Quality – Quality can be thought of in terms of content, delivery, and player experience. All are crucial for driving views and engagement.
  • Discovery – You must take advantage of SEO, social discovery, and on-site search. Facebook is growing faster than any other source in number of video view referrals.
  • Distribution – Another key component to getting your videos discovered. Our recent YouTube sync feature allows you to easily sync your Video Cloud account with your YouTube channel.
  • Devices – If you’re focusing solely on the PC web, you’re missing a huge chunk of the market. Serious video publishers need to think about touch web, mobile apps, and connected TVs.
  • Monetization – Media brands are finding success using blended monetization strategies that reach beyond advertising to unlock new revenue streams with online video content - from in-player calls to action to authentication and authorization solutions that make TV everywhere business models possible.

You can watch Jeremy present the Video Strategy Framework on-demand at the Brightcove PLAY website,

Brightcove App Cloud

Bightcove was an early pioneer in providing a comprehensive, cloud-based solution for managing, publishing, distributing and monetizing online video across desktops and devices. Brightcove Video Cloud helped define the Online Video Platform software category, which continues to experience explosive growth based on broad consumer trends and expectations to have high-quality, video-rich experiences on nearly all professional websites they visit.

There is another broad trend taking hold that promises to once again transform the industry landscape for media companies and marketers - the "appification" of content experiences. Whereas content and applications have traditionally been based on the PC web, we’re now seeing that same content being packaged in smartphone, tablet, and connected TV applications.

The problem is that the fragmentation of the app landscape makes it very expensive to achieve full reach. You need specialized skill sets to build a cross-platform app catalog, and once it’s built the multiple frameworks create massive maintenance headaches. So to help customers take full advantage of this “appification” trend and maximize the value from their content strategy, Brightcove is once again breaking the path for an emergent software category - Content App Platforms - with the introduction of Brightcove App Cloud.

Watch the keynote for Jeremy’s full discussion on this developing category. You can also learn more about App Cloud and apply for the private beta of the software on the App Cloud product page.

Customer and partner showcase

Jeremy and David finished off their presentation by showing off some great customer examples. In the PLAY day 3 keynote presentation we presented a number of customer awards for the best video campaign in various categories. Here are the nominees and winner for each category:

Best Agency Campaign

  • Hey for Holland America
  • Code & Theory for Calvin Klein
  • Innocean for Hyundai Motor's Veloster Campaign

Winner: Code & Theory for Calvin Klein

Best Customized Player

  • Adjust Your Set for Thomas Pink TV
  • California Academy of Sciences

Winner: Adjust Your Set for Thomas Pink TV

Best Live Video Event

  • Al Jazeera
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • U.S. Department of State

Winner: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Best Long-form Experience

  • Metropolitan Opera
  • Lifetime
  • Showtime

Winner: Showtime

Best Mobile Video Experience

  • Financial Times
  • Warehouse
  • American Standard

Winner: Financial Times

Best Monetization Strategy

  • EMI Music
  • AOL Video
  • Sky Sports for the PGA Master's 2011
  • Discovery

Winner: Sky Sports for the PGA Master's 2011

Best Video in the Enterprise / Corporate Communications

  • Oracle
  • Bank of America
  • McKesson

Winner: Oracle

Be sure to watch the PLAY day 3 keynote on!

If you are a Brightcove customer and missed the CEO webinar, be sure to check your email for the link to the recorded presentation in the next few days. Sorry, this session is for active Brightcove customers only.