Zencoder Announces Cloud Files Support

This post originally appeared as a guest post on the RackSpace Cloud:Blog Zencoder is happy to announce that we have added native support for Rackspace Cloud Files storage. Zencoder is the performance leader in scalable, fast, high-quality cloud-based video transcoding. It was launched in 2010 to solve the most complex part of the video publishing process: transcoding. Every video published, anywhere, needs to be transcoded (or encoded). But for many years, transcoding technology was unreliable, slow, and difficult to work with. Zencoder was founded to solve this problem. Cloud-based video transcoding brings all the benefits of cloud-based architecture to video – on-demand scalability, API-driven architecture, and no upfront cap-ex or ongoing maintenance required to stay current with changes in technology. We’re big believers in cloud computing, for everything from storage to services (like video encoding). Rackspace has a great cloud platform, and we’ve had a number of customers who have wanted to use Cloud Files in conjunction with Zencoder. But in the past, this hasn’t been easy – you could get files to/from Zencoder using FTP, SFTP, and HTTP, but integrating with Cloud Files was difficult. Now we’ve made this simple. If your original files are stored on Cloud Files, just give us a URL that starts with “cf”, like this: { “input” : “cf://username:api_key@container/object” } And if you want Zencoder to deliver your finished files to Cloud Files, do the same thing: { “output” : { “url” : “cf://username:api_key@container/object” } } See our documentation for more info.