Live Blog: Brightcove PLAY 2011 Opening Keynote, Day 1


12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Opening Keynote
Brightcove PLAY 2011 kicks off with an action-packed keynote showcasing key industry trends and the latest online video innovations. You will hear from Brightcove Chairman and CEO, Jeremy Allaire; CTO, Bob Mason; and President and COO, David Mendels. Guest speakers include Akamai President, David Kenny; Adobe Platform Evangelist, Ben Forta; and LG Electronics GM, Samuel Chang.

Watch the live stream and the on-demand stream of the keynote at

**Dislcaimer: I'm live blogging, so please excuse lapses of grammar, spelling errors, and typos!**

2:07 Allaire: Made it around the wheel: Brightcove Video Strategy Framework is really all about deriving business value from online video. Be here for the keynote - you do not want to miss it tomorrow!

2:04 Allaire: Analytics are the final piece: measure the interaction between live and on-demand content to adjust effective programming. Can see effete of library size on engagement. See where and how people are finding your video with discovery and referral sources. Strengthening out our own analytics, we also realize that video analytics are part of a larger landscape: Omniture, Akamai, TubeMogul, Nielsen, Quantcast, VisibleMeasures, Adobe, Kantar Video.

2:01 Mason: Brightcove has a fully integrated stack for these Adobe DRM tools. Security features are also integrated and seamless: multi-bitrate encoding, secure encryption, option to pre-package assets. No extra plugins for the end-user. Rainbow Media partner examples are demonstrating integration with Adobe Pass. Time to start up some projects: talk to your account managers.

1:59 Forta: Adobe Pass: Part of the TV Everywhere story. Lots of partners in the process. Hosted solution to simplify access to TV Everywhere, supports both Flash and HTML5 to present single login on connected devices. Presents superior user experience. It's quick to market, and integrated with the Brightcove stack.

1:54 Ben Forta from Adobe, director of Platform Evangelism. This year is Flash's 15th birthday. Flash is on over 98% of desktops. Took Flash outside the browser with Air a few years ago. But he's not hear to talk about that, here to talk about Flash Access. DRM has to be as non-intrusive as possible for a positive user experience. FLash is everywhere already, so it's pretty nonintrusive to use for DRM. Next year 100+ devices will support Flash Access. 

1:52 Mason: Update on Advertising for HTML5 support. Designed this to be complete integrated integration with DFP and YouMe, same system to load flash player experience to see a pre-roll advertisement. Same rules apply for Flash and HTML5 world. 

1:49 Allaire: None of that matters unless you have a monetization strategy. We take a liberal view: it's not just advertising, it's also covering other business objects like calls-to-action. Also includes DRM to put a premium on the content. Marks and Spencer application demo for e-commerce. Promoting their catering recommendation Royal Wedding parties. Synchronized calls to action. Sharing the video on Facebook, the branded video application with calls to action go along with the video. Worked with Adjust Your Set to build the interaction.

1:47 Elia: New York Times working with them and LG to demonstrate their content for the TV. We're trying to make something easy for our customers to easily transfer over their application to the web.  

1:44 Sam Chang, LG Electronics: Ease of use is important today for connected devices, need for consistent user interaction experience. Showing magic remote demo. App store: Netflix, etc. But there's also available and a small photographer in Maui. Not just the premium guys can develop content to reach customers in their living room. There are also new opportunities for monetization and advertising.


1:43 Elia: releasing a reference application with LG coming later this year.

1:42 Allaire: Next generation of smart TVs. 43 million US homes will have internet connected TVs by 2015 (Forrester). TV manufacturers are integrating directly into the TV. Inviting up Eric Elia, VP of TV Solutions.

1:40 Bob Mason, Brightcove CTO to talk about HTML5 support. Showing integrated styling to provide consistency of the user experience across Flash and HTML5 platforms. Demo of styling with branding graphics to create customized experience.

1:39 Allaire: Brightcove Experience: isolate you from the standards wars going on to support all those emerging devices.

1:37 Allaire: Devices adoption numbers. The iPad adoption rates are huge, even compared to the iPhone and iPod. It's perfect for video consumption. That's why it was important to roll out HTML5 video playback support right away as the iPad launched. Showed the New York Times video playing back on the iPad on stage with Steve Jobs for the launch.

1:35 Allaire: Distribution. YouTube Sync feature: Great way to generate first level awareness. Second most popular search engine after The concept is simple: you use metadata to designate content that you want to share on YouTube, and connector Brightcove account to your YouTube Brand Channel. After that, all video that matches your metadata specifications is automatically shared  into your YouTube Brand Channel. 500 Active channels, 20,000 videos synched, 2,500 videos in channels. 

1:30 Allaire: Discovery. Three pieces for finding content: on site search, Social, SEO. Onsite search example: Citytv - used Endeca to browse to shows and find content with relevance to bring user into immersive experience that encourages sharing of content. Working on video search - making SEO better in the future. Social discovery: Facebook is climbing as a percentage quarter over quarter in online video referrals. It's a trusted referral, so it results on longer engagement.

1:29 Allaire: Examples of quality content with transcript experiences using 3PlayMedia and Knowledge Vision.

1:27 Allaire: Boston Globe newspaper property was awarded an Emmy, winning a broadcast award for their compelling online video storytelling. They are creating quality content that is on par with that of the traditional broadcasters.

1:25 Kenny: Brightcove and Akamai are trying to create the tools to enable you to engage audiences. Make sure we're still thinking big enough. It's only been 7 years since we met, this is just the beginning. Hope to see exponential growth between PLAY sessions every year going forward. This sin't an experiment anymore, it's the future of entertainment and media.

1:24 Kenny: 400-450 Million people today are watching video on the Akamai network. Royal wedding: 1.7M people watching live on concurrent streams. This was in the morning, and people had the option to watch at home on their TV, but they were online because it was a better experience.

1:20 Kenny: We need to think much much bigger. There are many different types of business models. It's critical that we all leave this conference seeing what's possible at scale. 

1:18 David Kenny from Akamai takes the stage to talk about the Brightcove CDN partnership and the importance of Quality in streaming video. 

1:15 Allaire: Why should you care about the total quantity of video in your library? Because we have proven time and time again that the amount of content you have is directly related to the amount of traffic that you can generate. The more content you have, the more traffic you will have. AOL's rise from number 10 to number 2 in unique video viewers, second only to YouTube.


1:13 Allaire: We now have a deal with 5Min, an AOL property to share and licensing monetizable content. We're making it easier for customers to share content with each other to create network effects. 

1:12 Allaire: Quantity: We hear from customers again and again that they wish they had more content. It is one of the most common obstacles to success with online video. Our publishers typically get their video from three different kinds of sources: Produced, Licensed, and User Generated Content. 


1:10 Allaire: Demo of the Brightcove live stream on and iPad streaming.


1:09 Allaire: Examples of mix: AOL popup concerts at SXSW, Department of State and Hilary Clinton sharing policy positions on government websites as well as Facebook. Halo effect: Some of our customers are finding that there can be a significant halo effect on on demand viewership from doing live events.

1:06 Allaire: Presenting the Brightcove Video Strategy Framework. Mix, quantity, quality, discovery, monetization, devices, distribution. 

1:03 Allaire: Online video advertising grew 45% last year, more than any other segment, and the broadcast industry alone delivered over $719M in video advertising last year.

1:01 CEO Jeremy Allaire on stage to talk about momentum of the platform. Every 60 seconds we're encoding about 5 hours of content. We now do well over 2 billion API calls every month. 

12:58 Mendels: Excited about the opportunities for exchange of ideas between customers and partners here at PLAY. It's also an opportunity for engineers who build the product to meet customer and understand their needs better. We hope we can get up next year and talk about features that we heard about from you this year.

12:57 Mendels: House keeping items for the conference. Live stream at and Twitter hash tag #BrightcovePLAY.

12:54 Mendels: There are lots of customer companies represented here today, along with people from all over the globe. 250+ business leaders, 100+ tech and solution parters, 50+ developers.

12:53 Mendels: Thanks to sponsors Akamai, LG, Adobe, and Knowledge Vision and others.

12:52 COO Dave Mendels welcomes everyone to the first ever Global Customer Conference for the Brightcove ecosystem and community. There are 400+ people here in the amphitheater today.



12:50 Video starts with stats about video internet traffic and adoption of online video.