Newsweek Refresh Launches with a Focus on Video

The newly redesigned Newsweek hits newsstands, the iPad app store, and browsers this week. The newsmagazine recently merged with Tina Brown's The Daily Beast, which has made Brown the joint editor-in-chief of the combined news entities.

Fresh Design

The new design aims to differentiate the company from weekly news competitor Times with fresh graphics and more photos, with wider-ranging topical coverage to appeal to a younger audience. The magazine is also reimagining it's editorial profile, moving from an essay and opinion heavy long form content to adding more lifestyle, art and fashion coverage to go along with its traditional focus on politics, economics, and international affairs. New sections like NewsBeast and Omnivore will embody this fresh focus on a wider range of issues.

Focus on Video

In her introductory letter, Brown highlights the importance of video on the web, and how it translates to enthralling photojournalism that the revamped print magazine will feature:

"And let’s not forget pictures … the video we watch online is enthralling. Who wasn’t glued to history in motion in Egypt’s Tahrir Square? But the still photograph imprints itself on the memory more than any moving image, especially when presented with confidence and drama across a spread that allows the image to breathe and the reader to pause and ponder. Photojournalism will play a large part in NEWSWEEK’s future." - Tina Brown, Editor-in-Chief

The new website design puts a focus on navigating by medium, highlighting stories, photo galleries, and videos in the main navigation. Newsweek has long been a Brightcove customer, and we're excited to see video featured so prominently in the new design.