Internet Use on Par with TV Time for Americans

For the first time, Americans are now spending as much time on the Internet as they do watching television, according to Forrester Research. Forrester notes that this is also the first year that people in older demographics are spending more time on the internet as well; adults over 66 years old spend around 8 hours a week online. Time spent on the internet has increased by 121% over the last five years.

Forrester also found that 33% of adults surveyed said they watch video online, up from 18% in 2007. 

As Americans continue to spend more time online, and become more comfortable with using the internet to watch video, it is increasingly important to have a strong online video strategy in place to engage viewers who are out there and ready to watch your content online. Whether you are produce ad-supported content or are using video for marketing on your website, these stats bear out the fact that the audience is there, and it's only getting bigger and more engaged.