Brightcove 4.2 is now available!

Another successful release out the door, jam-packed with features available now...and some more a little later on today - stay tuned! I'll have another blog post later with details.

For now, read on for highlights of the release below, or check out the complete product release notes on our Support site.

Media API - New powerful Search API for custom fields

A new method in the Media API, search_videos, provides significantly more powerful and flexible ways to retrieve videos in your Brightcove account, including the ability to combine "ANY", "ALL", and "NOT" operators and to search all your video metadata fields -- including custom fields! Read more.

Yahoo APT (YVAP) Integration - now with overlay ads and rule set targeting

Now serve overlay ads (video ads already available) and take advantage of Yahoo's Rule set targeting feature to deliver the ads you want to specific players using Yahoo's ad server. Read more.

Geo-filtering support for US military, Guam and Puerto Rico

Allow U.S. viewers and military personnel overseas to view your content by enabling geo-restriction and allowing U.S. and U.S. military IP addresses using our integration with Quova. Read more

Manage your own API tokens

Admin users for your account can now add and remove Media API Read and Write tokens for your account. Enable new development partners or initiatives in your account quickly by creating a new token in the Studio. Read more.

Read more about all the great features in the 4.2 release and check back later for some more goodies.

-- The Brightcove Product Team